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FTC Disclosure: As an ambassador for Central Arkansas McDonald’s, I receive compensation for posts that mention McDonald’s. However, I always share my genuine thoughts with you guys and have no plans to change that. 🙂

McDonald's Dessert Menu Combos

I’ll admit, dessert is not an everyday occurrence in our house. Although I love cookies, ice cream, and other sweet goodies just as much as the next person, they are more of a treat than something you have after dinner each night. That’s why when we do have dessert, it’s something that we really enjoy. I will also admit that rather than buying a whole container of sweets (and being tempted to devour them all in one sitting), sometimes we just head to our local McDonald’s to grab a quick and affordable treat.

While I do enjoy the dessert items on their menu, it’s the combo of items that aren’t on the menu that are awesome. Here are some classic dessert options that you can try. Try ordering them off the “secret” menu or just ask them to serve the items together.

Root Beer Float
This classic (and tasty) mix of root beer and soft serve vanilla ice cream sure does hit the spot on those hot summer days! You could even take a unique twist on it by asking for Coke instead.

Apple Pie A La Mode
Love apple pie? Love ice cream? Well, you are sure to love them together. Get a warm apple pie and top it off with some of McDonald’s vanilla soft serve ice cream. Delicious!

Apple Pie McFlurry
If you want to take it a step beyond, order a McFlurry and an apple pie and ask them if they could blend it together for you. Yum! If not, you can always just crumble the apple pie into the McFlurry yourself.

Ice Cream Cookie Sandwich
You know those gooey and delicious chocolate chip cookies that McDonald’s sells? Imagine two of them with a nice serving of vanilla soft serve ice cream in between.
Have you ever tried one of these combos? Do you have another unique McDonald’s dessert combo that you’d like to share? Let me know in the comments below!

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