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As you may have noticed (or maybe not, lol), I have missed two days of blogging.


“Why can’t you stick with anything, Tiffany?”

“You’re slipping, yo. And you were doing so good. I’m not surprised, though.”

Those were the thoughts I had this morning when I woke up and realized that I’d done it again. For the second night in a row, I laid down to take a nap after dinner, with the intention of waking up after 2 hours and write a blog post. For the second morning in a row, I woke up after sleeping through the alarm clock.

You see, a friend and I have been doing this 30 day blogging challenge where we blog every single day. Up until Monday, I was doing great! But then on Tuesday, I got off track. And I kept rolling around on the ground on Wednesday.

Additionally, those are two days when I also fell off the wagon with promoting my business and doing quite a few other tasks that I’d been doing fairly consistently.

At this point, I had two choices.

I could decide that I’m just not about this “being consistent” life and go back to life as I knew it where I did things when I felt like doing them.


I could accept that I’d stumbled, realize that staying down is a CHOICE, not an inevitability, and choose to pick up where I left off.

I choose option two.

In life, when we get knocked back by an obstacle (even if it is one of our own doing), we always have the choice of how we will respond. We can give up or we can move forward. If we remember that we have that choice, I think life feels a bit more manageable.

So, the next time you get off track, remember that you have control over how you respond.

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