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curve ball

Sometimes life doesn’t go the way that you planned. It could be something relatively minor. Like when my internet went out for an entire day (thus throwing off my work schedule). Or it could be something major, like becoming a single mom. As they say, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry”. Murphy’s Law and all that jazz.

When life throws you a curve ball, there are a variety of ways that you can handle it.

Let’s take what happened on Friday, for example. Friday morning started off great. I got my blog post for the 30 day challenge done early in the morning and got a few more things on my to-do list checked off. But then things started to go downhill. My paycheck did not arrive, despite the fact that it was supposed to arrive on Wednesday. We were an hour late for the first day of homeschool co-op. Then, when we got home, the internet was out. If you know me, you know that my reliance on the internet is fairly ridiculous. Not only is it the source of my income as a freelancer/blogger, but it is also the source of much entertainment in my home. We don’t have cable, so we rely on a blend of Netflix, Hulu, and Youtube for tv. I think this is a pretty good place to add in this pretty accurate (and hilarious)  picture. Things-to-do-when-the-internet-goes-down


I could have done any of those things when the internet went out. I could have continued doing them for the entire span of time that the people from AT&T were fixing it (they came out the next morning and literally worked almost 24 hours straight to fi the damage that a construction crew had done). Honestly, I did have a less than stellar reaction – though there was no yelling, crying, or fetal-position-humming, lol. However, rather than just sitting in the house being mad at the world, I decided to do something else. I think that what I did instead accurately represents the more positive reactions to life’s curve balls.

I Took Action

When I realized that the internet was out and that my repeated attempts at troubleshooting were not working), I went next door to ask the neighbors if their internet was working. Once I realized that it was actually the internet (and not my devices) that was the issue, I called AT&T to alert them of the outage and schedule a time for someone to come fix it.

I Adjusted My Plans

The first thing I did when I realized that we didn’t have internet and wouldn’t have it for at least the rest of the day, I gathered up my computer, my son, his Kindle, and some snacks and we headed to the local university to use their internet. We ended up eating dinner there as well while I got some work done and he played on his Kindle. After his Kindle died, we left the university and headed to the library where I was able to get some more work done while he played on the kiddie computer. Then, when they closed, we went outside to play on the playground for a while before heading back home.

I Realized That It Was a Temporary Issue

I knew that AT&T was aware of the problem and that they were working on fixing it. Although,it did take longer than the 2-4 hours that they initially quoted, I realized that the problem was going to be fixed and that this situation was not the end of the world.

Now, let’s look at a different situation: becoming a single mom. It was definitely a curve ball for me.  I had never envisioned that I would be a single mom. In fact, it was something that I had fought from the very moment I realized I was pregnant. However, I chose to handle this curve ball in a variety of ways.

I Looked On the Bright Side

Ok, time for a quick song break.

Although being a single mom is challenging at times, I definitely prefer it over being in a toxic relationship. I also feel like this turn of events has led me to grow in major ways. It has also opened doors to opportunities that may never have arisen otherwise. In fact, I’m not sure if I would have ever become a writer if I hadn’t become a single mom. So, in more ways than one, it has been a great experience for me.

I Learned from My Mistakes


Because of the experience I had with my ex, I now have more awareness of the types of warning signs to look out for. I am also VERY clear on the things that I will and will not accept from people. I’ve also learned that it is never good for me to stay in a bad relationship out of fear (whatever that fear may be). There are a lot of lessons I have learned from this experience. And because I learned them while Christian was still young, I hope to be able to raise him in such a way that he does not have to learn them firsthand.

I Didn’t Give Up

I suppose that some people, when faced with a life that they were not prepared to live, throw in the towel in one way or another. They feel as though they are not equipped to cope. I definitely didn’t think that I had what it took to be a single mom. But I felt like I just had to do it and work things out as I went. So far, it has worked. I am far from perfect. I make a lot of mistakes. Sometimes I feel like I am doing things wrong. But I know how I want my life to be and I just continuously work towards those goals (including being able to work from home and homeschool Christian). In the words of Dory, I just keep swimming.

I Have a Support System

Another thing that really helps is that I try to surround myself with positive people who won’t let me give up or spend too much time being negative. Having people in my corner to encourage me, motivate me, be a sounding board, and give me advice has been invaluable. When life throws me a curve ball, it is nice to know that I don’t have to deal with it in a space of dark isolation. I always have someone I can turn to, even if just to talk things out with.

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