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WAHM tip: Set goals and have a schedule! (Same goes for anyone who works from home)


The allure of working from home is powerful! Trust me, I understand. However, so is the appeal of spending all of your time hanging out with your family and taking naps in the middle of the day (I have been guilty of both of those things!). One reason that working from home doesn’t work for everyone is that a lot of people fail to do two things:

1. They don’t have a set schedule of “office hours” (or at least a set number of hours they will work during the day)

2. They don’t have a daily agenda of goals that they need to meet.

If you are going to be successful at working from home, you NEED to have goals for your day and you NEED to set aside time each day to “get ‘er done”. There is no getting around it. You have to manage your time and you have to be intentional with what you do with your time. The same as if you worked outside the home.

With that being said, I love Love LOVE the flexibility of working from home. There is a long list of things that I am able to do now that I wouldn’t be as easily able to do if I worked outside the home (such as homeschooling). However, I can never let myself forget that although I work from home, I still WORK.

What do you use to keep your days organized?

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