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People all over the world have a variety of ways to celebrate the beginning of a new year. Many people view a new year as being a clean slate – a chance to do things differently than they did the year before. That is why so many people have traditions such as setting New Year’s Resolutions.  These resolutions represent their hopes for the next year in their life.

One such tradition that I really have been drawn to is the idea of choosing a word that you want to represent your year. A theme word, if you will. It is a word (or phrase) that you hope will set the tone for the rest of the year. I have decided that I want to do that this year.

Granted, I have done this in the past, but, like many other things I have pursued, I sort of just flew by the seat of my pants without a really actionable plan. I want to do it properly this year.

My plan is to choose my word, announce it to the world ( or the small portion of the world that reads my blog, lol) and then, throughout the year do things that encompass my word. Then, of course, I will blog about it.

So here goes the first part of my plan…


My theme word for 2015 is Growth.

I want to grow in my faith, as a mother, as a daughter, as a sibling, as a friend, as an entrepreneur, and as a blogger. I want my Plexus business to thrive. I want my blog to grow. I want my freelance business to expand. I want this to be the year that I look back on and say “that was the year when things really took off”. Beyond wanting that, I am committed to making it happen.

This is my declaration: 2015 will be my year of growth.


If you had to choose one word to represent the rest of this year, what would it be?

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