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Let me tell you about the year I (almost) ruined Christmas.

Confession: I hate wrapping gifts.

If I had the funds to always pay someone else to do it for me, I’d do it and do it gladly.

It’s especially embarrassing trading gifts with people who wrap beautifully . . . and I’m over there handing them something that looks like a toddler wrapped it. 🤣

In fact, I hate wrapping gifts so much that one year, when I felt overwhelmed trying to wrap what felt like 100 gifts for my son, I threw a big sheet over all of them and called it a night.

But not without calling myself lazy, beating myself up about not wrapping things as I bought them, and convinced I’d ruined Christmas.

But guess what? His reaction when he pulled the sheet off the huge pile of presents is one of my FAVORITE holiday memories.

He was so overcome with excitement and didn’t know where to start. He just stood there squealing and looking around, then started running from one thing to the next. It was the cutest, funniest reaction I’d ever seen.

And, seriously, his happy face just fills me up so much! I mean, look at it!

I had beat myself up for no reason! Stressing that he’d be so disappointed that his gifts weren’t wrapped that he wouldn’t enjoy the gifts themselves.

It was a great reminder for me that the joy of giving comes not from the perfection of the presentation, but from the heart behind the gift. It’s okay if the wrapping paper has a few creases or if the bows are a bit lopsided. It’s apparently even ok if you throw a random sheet over them, lol.

What truly matters is the love and thoughtfulness we put into selecting these gifts for our loved ones.

Let’s not just apply this lesson to wrapping gifts, though.

Life is full of moments where we feel the pressure for perfection, whether it’s in our relationships, work, or personal goals. But what if we gave ourselves permission to embrace imperfection, choosing simplicity over unnecessary complexity?

The truth is, the beauty of life often lies in its imperfect, spontaneous moments.

So, whether you’re tackling a big goal, navigating relationships, or pursuing your passions, remember that it’s okay if it’s not perfect. What truly matters is the effort, the love, and the joy we infuse into every moment.

Here’s to a season of embracing imperfection and finding joy in the simple, beautiful moments of life!

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