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FTC Disclosure: I serve as an ambassador for Central Arkansas McDonald’s. Which means I am able to support my family by sharing the reasons we love McDonald’s. šŸ™‚


My son loves dessert.

I mean, he really loves dessert.

His favorite place for dessert (besides home) is McDonald’s. I mean, they have ice cream, cookies, and pie. What’s not to love?

The thing is, Iā€™ve never been a ‘dessert every day’ type of mom. Maybe because I didnā€™t grow up eating dessert every night after dinner. However, Iā€™ve recently begun designing printables (more on that soon) and one of the first ones I designed was a meal plan printable.

As I was researching what I should include in a meal plan printable, I saw that dessert seemed to be a smart thing to include.

So I started wondering if there was something that I was missing by not regularly including dessert in my familyā€™s menu. I mean, aside from dessert being tasty, are there any real benefits of dessert?

So, as I always do, I turned to Google.

What I found out was simultaneously surprising and logical.

Benefit #1: Eating Dessert Regularly Can Help Your Weight Loss Efforts

Now, now, donā€™t get excited. Iā€™m not saying that scarfing down desserts is going to cause unwanted fat to melt off of your body. However, anyone who has ever tried to seriously lose weight has probably struggled with cravings. You may have also resisted your craving for so long that you eventually gave in and overdid it a bit. In other words, you binged.

It happens.

But it happens more often when you deprive yourself. What is recommended is that you treat yourself with something small and sweet regularly so that you satisfy your cravings without going overboard.

Benefit #2: They Can Provide Some Nutrients

Not all desserts are unhealthy. Many desserts feature ingredients that can provide your body with nutrients. Fruits, nuts, chocolate, and dairy are common dessert ingredients that provide great nutrients. So desserts like smoothies and fruit and yogurt parfaits can be tasty and nutritious.

Benefit #3: They Make You Happy

I donā€™t know about you, but I used to get really happy when my mom would actually let us have dessert after dinner.Ā  Maybe it was because it rarely happened? However, studies suggest that some foods can literally make you happy by giving your body a boost of serotonin, which is often called the ā€œhappiness hormoneā€.

Ok, so I donā€™t know about you, but thatā€™s enough reasons for me to consider adding desserts to our menu. Probably not every day, but definitely more often.

Like I mentioned before, if youā€™re like me and donā€™t like to keep a ton of sweets in the house, stopping by McDonald’s for a quick, sweet treat is always an option. My son thinks I am ā€œthe best mom everā€ (his words, not mine, lol) when we go down the street to McDonaldā€™s to grab a quick dessert. My favorite is the Strawberry Banana Smoothie. My second option is the Fruit ā€˜N Yogurt Parfait. And, of course, thereā€™s always the Oreo McFlurry. If you ask my son, McDonald’s can do no wrong- especially when it comes to dessert.

McD dessert menu 1

P.S. If you haven’t already, you should download the McDonald’s app to receive new offers every week.


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