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I’ve been working as a freelance writer/blogger for over 5 years. I feel very fortunate that I have been able to earn income doing something that I am not only good at, but that I enjoy. However, it’s not all butterflies and rainbows. Some aspects are awesome. Others suck…big time.

In fact, let me tell you about my personal pros and cons of being a freelancer.

pros and cons of being a freelancer

Pro #1: I’m my own boss

This is a pretty awesome feeling. I enjoy the fact that I have a higher level of control over what I do for a living.

Con #1: I have to be the boss

However, the down side to this is that I don’t have someone that just hands me clients. I have to go out and secure them myself.

Pro #2: Unlimited income

I enjoy the fact that there is no real cap to how much I can earn. With traditional jobs, you typically earn a set rate or salary and other than being allowed to work so much overtime, periodic promotions, and MAYBE bonuses, there’s only so much that you can earn.

Con #2: Not-so-stable income

The not-so-awesome side? Your income may not be as stable as it would be if you had a more traditional job. At least not at first.

Pro #3: Time freedom

I definitely have more control over how I spend my time each day.

Con #3: I suck at time management

However, I will admit that I am not a time management expert. I am getting better, though.

Pro #4: You set your own rates

This is an awesome benefit. I love that I am able to decide how much my services are worth.

Con #4: There is no industry standard for rates

One thing that sucks is that there is not really an industry standard for how much you should get paid. Especially since many of us offer a variety of services. With that being said, it can be difficult to figure out how much you should charge. Another problem is that there will ALWAYS be people who charge more or less than you, so it can be tough to compete without undercutting yourself.

Pro #5: I’m happier

I truly do feel happier doing something that I enjoy and that makes me feel like I am helping people. I mostly write for bloggers and small biz owners, so I feel good knowing that I am doing something I love yet also helping other people do something they enjoy.

Con #5: It can be a struggle

As you can imagine, being a freelancer can be a struggle at times. Struggling isn’t fun.

Pro #6: Making friends

I’ve made quite a few friends who are also freelancers. It’s like joining a secret society of awesomely creative people.

Con #6: Physical isolation

However, I will admit that I sometimes miss being in a more traditional work environment. Fortunately, I do get out of the house for homeschool co-op and playdates, so I’m not in the house staring at four walls all day, lol.

Being honest, the pros are typically more significant than the cons, so I don’t plan on trading in my freelance gig for a 9 to 5 anytime soon. But I think that it is helpful for people considering a freelance career to see both sides of it.


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