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Random fact about me: I have three degrees. I attained undergraduate degrees in Sociology and Psychology from Morgan State University (Fair Morgan, We Love Thee!). Then I went on to pursue my Masters in Counseling Psychology, but switched to Educational Psychology in the last year.

I don’t use any of my degrees.

Apparently this is  a bit strange. People don’t seem to understand why I would go through the trouble of attaining these degrees, but then let them (figuratively) collect dust.

Honestly, that wasn’t the plan.

The plan was to teach and to practice in the field of Psychology.

But then I got the opportunity to get paid to write.

Yall, that was THE dream for me. I have always loved writing – ever since I was 7 or 8 years old. I wanted to be a published author.

But that didn’t seem realistic, so I honestly didn’t give it much serious thought. It was just something that made me happy to do. I did it in my free time. I relished writing assignments in school. Especially creative writing.

I loved it but I didn’t think I could really get paid to do it. So when I went to college, I focused on finding something else I loved that would be a bit more “realistic”.

I didn’t have someone to tell me that my dreams were possible. Or to take me under their wing.

I don’t really regret the path I have taken, though. I have the general belief that everything happens for a reason. After all, if I’d studied something different in college, I may have never started dating my ex and, as a result, I wouldn’t have my son. Besides, I do find Sociology and Psychology to be fascinating subjects.

However, I want to use my experience to reach out to others who may have the same dreams I had/have and be the person who lets them know that their dreams are possible. I think it is important that we all have someone in our life that serves that purpose.

I also think that we should all strive to be that person for someone else. To be a guide. An encouragement. A mentor.

Find ways to share your story and encourage others who may be struggling to find their way. You never know how important your words could end up being to someone who just needs to hear that their dream is within their reach.

Topic for Discussion: Did you have a mentor who encouraged you to chase your dreams?


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