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This post is the first of 5 in a 5-day series. Check out the Homeschool Hopscotch (hosted by the iHomeschool Network) for more posts from homeschool parents around the world. 

One of the most important aspects of homeschooling (in my opinion) is having a support system. Especially when you are new. And ESPECIALLY if you are a single parent.


For me, the most obvious reason is that having a support system makes everything a bit easier. You have people to turn to for advice on the many aspects of homeschooling that often confuse newbies. Things like what you have to do to be compliant in your state (some states are really lax about homeschooling, while others are super strict), the various homeschool methods, how to put together a curriculum, how to find done-for-you curricula, what to do when you come across homeschooling challenges, what kind of activities your child can do, and so much more.

Having a support system is also essential for your emotional health. Because trust me when I say that it’s not all rainbows, butterflies, and glitter. It can be challenging. Some days, you may feel like giving up and dropping your child off at the closest school and peeling rubber to get away. Getting through those days is more bearable when you have other homeschool parents to turn to. You can vent to them and get their advice (chances are whatever you are going through, one of them has gone through as well).

Having a solid support is also important because you will need them to bolster your confidence when you are confronted with naysayers. The people who say that they “don’t agree with homeschooling”, “homeschooled kids are weird”, “homeschooled kids will never get into a good college” and ask you whether “you think you’re doing the right thing?” and “why don’t you just put your kids in public school?”.

Yeah, that kind of stuff happens. For some reason, hearing that you have opted for an “alternative” form of education causes people to chime in with al sorts of unsolicited opinions, judgments, and misinformation, lol. It can be annoying at best. At worst, it can make you doubt your decision to homeschool. So, it can be helpful to have your support system there to remind you that other people’s opinions don’t matter, that weirdness is not restricted to homeschooled kids (I mean, I’m weird and didn’t even know public school was still a thing until I was well into my twenties), that homeschooled kids all have different personalities, and that home education is a viable option. It may not be for everyone, but you have the right to try it out and see if it’s the best option for YOUR family.

So, how do single parent homeschoolers find support? I can’t speak for everyone, but I can tell you where I find support.

Local Homeschool Community

When I first seriously considered homeschooling as an option, what I did was look for local homeschoolers. I asked around with my mommy friends to find out if they knew anyone who homeschools. I was still pretty new to the area (I moved to this part of Arkansas from Baltimore a few months before I had my son), but I’m one of those people who strikes up conversations everywhere. In the elevator. On the playground. In line at the grocery store. I’m an introvert’s worst nightmare, lol. If I see you with a child and you are within shouting distance – we are going to be friends. It’s pretty simple to bring the conversation around to what school your child will be attending. From there, you can just mention your interest in homeschooling and ask if they know anyone does that.

However, the person who was really helpful was someone I met on Freecycle (and who has remained a friend for over 5 years). She had posted that she was giving away homeschool books for elementary. My son was not even in pre-k yet, but I’m a hoarder, so I reached out to her, lol. We met up in town so I could get the books and she told me about a huge local homeschool community and told me how to be added to their Yahoo group. I started chatting in there, learning about the different events, groups, co-ops and more that are in town. That was the beginning! I was amazed by the fact that there was such a thriving homeschool community right under my nose. Every time we go to the store, the playground, the library, or any community event, I run into several homeschoolers I know.

Once I knew about our local homeschool community, I got involved. I joined various clubs and organizations, like 4-H, co-ops and playdate groups. I engage with people when we attend events, making friends and getting contact info. The more involved I get, the bigger my circle becomes. After about 4 years of doing this, I have a pretty big network of local homeschoolers to turn to when I need them.

Online Homeschool Community

In addition to getting involved with local homeschoolers, I am also active in several online homeschool communities – mostly on Facebook. I’m in groups for homeschoolers, homeschool moms, secular homeschoolers, homeschoolers with boys, homeschoolers who have kids who love gaming, techy homeschoolers, homeschoolers with children who have special needs, and single mom homeschoolers. I’m also in groups geared towards specific homeschool methods. I’ve even created a few groups myself. No matter what your interests are, you can either join a group or create a group that caters to that. Here are some of my favorite Facebooks for homeschoolers.

Hip & Single Homeschoolers

Hip Homeschool Moms Community

The Relaxed Homeschool Community (run by my friend, Jenny

Techin’ Your Homeschool 

Homeschool Mompreneurs

Rock Your Homeschool

Family and Friends

Another source of support for single parent homeschoolers is their family and circle of friends. Identify the ones who are supportive of your choice and lean on them. If you have family and friends who are willing to help you on your homeschool journey in any way (whether that means helping you buy school supplies, sending you info on things they think you might be interested, wanting to learn more about homeschooling, attending events with you, offering to help you with subjects they are an expert in, or whatever form their support comes in, appreciate it.

These are just some of the ways you can build your support system as single parent homeschoolers. Keep your eyes and your mind open! You might be surprised by the many places you can find people who are supportive of and enthusiastic about your decision to homeschool your children.

Interested in reading more blog posts by homeschoolers? Click the image below to check out the 5 Day Homeschool Hopscotch.

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