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Ok, so here’s one thing about me…I. Hate. Shopping. Seriously. I hate it. I hate malls. I hate trying to figure out what I want. I hate lines. I hate spending money. EXCEPT when that shopping is for my son. Then I have little self-control. seriously, it’s kind of a problem. My house is filled with tons of little clothes, toys, shoes, books, and random knick knacks. I have given away loads of clothes and shoes that he never even got the chance to wear. It’s an addiction. Luckily, it’s not an addiction that leaves my bank account crying from neglect. Actually, the way I shop, I actually SAVE money. Lots of money. I’ve probably saved thousands of dollars over the years. How? I am a lover of all things gently used. Yard sales and consignment shops call to me like a siren calls to lonely sailors. And I come, ready to be wooed.

Wanna know one of my favorite places to stock up on everything that Christian needs? Our local Rhea Lana’s consignment sale. It happens twice a year — once around Spring and again around Autumn. I found out about Rhea Lana’s while I was still pregnant, so I got to go to the Expecting Moms Early Sale. It was heaven! So much that I needed to mark off of my list and more! Clothes, toys, shoes, books, furniture, strollers, baby carriers, bibs, blankets, diaper bags, and sooooo much more. They even had maternity clothes. Everything is in great condition, and the prices were awesome. I saved so much money I’m surprised I didn’t go into labor from the excitement, lol!

But do you know the BEST part of Rhea Lana’s? The half-price sale. YESSSSSS!!!!! On the last two days of the event, the majority of the things that have not yet been sold are reduced to half price. JACKPOT! I always go at the beginning of the sale (usually the pre-sale because I like to either volunteer or consign some of the things I need to clear out. Extra space in the house + extra money = happy mommy). I scope out the place and grab everything that I am POSITIVE won’t still be there later. But I also keep an eye out on things that I really want, but that I wish I could get for cheaper. I make a mental note of what and where it is and promise that I will come back for it during the half price sale (Wait, for me, my precious).

I tell ya…if you’re gonna shop, this is the way to do it. And lucky for you guys, Rhea Lana’s Spring Half Price Sale is coming up soon! March 14th & 15th, in fact. So…if that date hasn’t yet passed and you are local, make sure you go check it out! You can find out more info on their website and/or their fan page. Happy shopping!

What is your favorite place to shop and save money? Share it with us below!

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