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A couple of months ago, Christian and I adopted the cutest little labrador puppy ever. We named her Luna Lovegood. Because…Harry Potter. I thought it would be cool to talk to you guys about some of the unexpected (and rather comical) perks of having a fur baby. Hope you enjoy!

Christian and Luna

You Might Become a Morning Person

Find it difficult to wake up early in the morning? Get a puppy and be determined that he or she will be an indoor pet BUT learn to “do their business” outside. This will almost guarantee that you have to wake up at the crack of dawn to open the door for them to go outside. Unless you are fancy and have one of those door flaps. Then you might just miss out on watching the sun rise.

Built-In Playmate

If you’re like me and only have one child, you may find that having a puppy around saves the day sometimes. “Christian, go play with Luna” has become a new favorite refrain in my house. I actually adopted Luna because I thought it would be nice for Christian to have someone else to play with. Now, whenever someone says I need to have another baby so that Christian can have a playmate, I can proudly state that he has a little sister named Luna.

You Get Exercise

Whether you are outside playing fetch, going for a walk, or trying to catch them so you can finish giving them a bath, you are sure to have plenty of opportunities to get in a bit of physical activity.

You Have Someone Who Will Always Eat What You Cook

Frustrated by your picky eater? Tired of slaving over the stove all day only for your child to turn their nose up at whatever deliciousness you set before them? Never fear! Your puppy will let you know that they think you and your food are pretty awesome. Sometimes your food will be so awesome that they will steal it off your plate or out of your hands. Maybe their enthusiasm will rub off on your picky eater. *fingers, eyes, arms, and legs crossed*

They Are Always Super Excited to See You

Seriously. I wish I could have half of the enthusiasm Luna has when she sees us. It’s like instant happiness. Well, it might sometimes just be because she’s hungry and I have a treat in my hand, but whatever. It makes me feel good to know that I have two beings in this world that think I am the bee’s knees.

Warm Hugs and Wet Nuzzles Galore

I mean…we all love this, right? I get twice the affection now! In the words of that guy from Two and a Half Men: winning!

They’ve Got Your Back

Have neighbors whose dogs bark their furry little heads off every time they catch sight of you? Now you have someone on your team who speaks their language. Take that, neighbor dogs!

Built-In Wingman (or Woman)

I haven’t actually experienced this, but apparently this is a huge perk of a having a dog. I mean, you see it on TV all the time, right? Guys using dogs to get the attention of the hot girl they always see at the park. And this classic bit of matchmaking from 101 Dalmatians. Move over Yente (and well-meaning moms) – the dogs have got this one in the bag!

What are some of your favorite perks of having a fur baby? Let me know in the comments below. 

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