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Sooo…today marks the beginning of my 37th week. It’s hard to believe that I have 3 more weeks to go. Not only because it seems like not too long ago that I was found out; also because it feels like Christian is going to just burst out of my vagina (or my stomach, literally) at ANY minute. Lord. Anyways, today my mom and I went to the last day of Rhea Lana (a huge and awesomely awesome children consignment sale) to see what else we could score (last time we got a couple hundred dollars worth of toys, a swing, a bassinet,a pack-n-play, a diaper pail with refills, everything to decorate his nursery (and the bathroom), as well as some nursing supplies all for about $150. Today there wasn’t much left, but we did manage to find a great Evenfo Farmyard ExerSaucer Mega, some shoes, and a Halloween and Christmas outfit and spent less than $40. How great is that?

I’m really proud of myself. Typically, I’m an anti-shopper. I hate going to malls. I hate trying on clothes (why is it that things always look ultra chic on the mannequin but horrible on you?). I hate walking around from store to store trying (to no avail) to find things. I just hate it. However, I’ve found that I really like shopping for baby things. Why? Because I have discovered the awesome power of being thrifty. Craigslist has officially become my best friend. For wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy less than it would have cost to buy wholesale, I have bought Christian EVERYTHING he needs. He has enough clothes to last him for about a year; plenty of things to keep him entertained and to help him develop physically and educationally; everything he needs for eating, sleeping, cleaning,and staying safe; everything we need to get out and go;and probably some things he doesn’t really need. I have saved myself thousands of dollars. And it’s all great quality things that have been maintained very well (no trash for my baby).

The best part is that I did it all from home (for the most part). I found everything I needed sitting in my room on the computer. A few phone calls/emails to confirm things and all I had to do was go pick the things up. I must also add that moms definitely stick together. People were constantly throwing in extra items for me. A girl could get used to this. Now if only I could shop for myself this way.

Today, unfortunately, we spent several hours in Babies R Us, taking advantage of the fact that everything left on my registry (which was essentially everything I ever put on the registry) was 10% off. We got everything else that we could possibly need for Christian (at least until he starts crawling around and we have to really babyproof the apartment). I hated every minute of it, but at least we got a lot of things. I feel prepared and that makes me happy. We also spent a few hours at my great-grandmothers house. 4 generations all under one roof. Much hilarity ensued. I should definitely do that more often.

Anyhoo, I’m really excited to have reached this milestone (the 37th week) as it marks the end of the “danger period” (as I call it). If Christian were to make an appearance now, he’s pretty much in the clear. That makes me feel much better. Let’s hope he stays in there until at least the 1st of October though. By that time his father will be here and we will be officially moved into our new apartment (my first “on my own” place). I CAN’T WAIT!

Reading: “A Confederacy of Dunces”  by John Kennedy Toole
Watching: “Tin Man (Two-Disc Collector’s Edition)” on Netflix
Listening: Glee: The Music, Volume 1

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