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As you may know if you read my blog, follow my fan page, or know me personally, I am passionate about working from home and helping other moms to do the same. I love meeting and networking with different women who have decided to take the entrepreneurial route in an effort to be able to live life by design rather than by default. I know from experience how challenging (and sometimes downright difficult) it can be to not only be a mom (which is a job in and of itself), but to also juggle managing a business. That is why I do this mompreneur spotlight. To allow these women to tell their story and get some recognition for their hard work. This month I am featuring Terri Smith.

Terri and her three daughters

Terri and her three daughters


Single Mommy Warrior:  Terri, can you tell us a little bit about your family?

Terri Smith: I am married and have 3 beautiful girls 16, 13, 10. We have fish that multiply more than rabbits. My husband has worked for the same company for over 9 years going on 10.


SMW: So what do you do for a living? Do you work from home full-time or do you also have a ‘9 to 5’?

TS: I am a stay at home and work from home mom. I am currently going back to school for my second Associates degree and going forward to my bachelors. I have been in network marketing for 2 and half years. I have recently joined an awesome faith and family-based company that lets us take all expense paid for vacations, called Ocean Avenue. We are looking to take our first trip soon. It is the best decision of my life. We are what we do and what we are around. Therefore I have positioned myself with some of the top earners of the company. This is because I know I will learn the best from the best. I also do Jewelry in Candles.


SMW: Aside from spending time with your family and networking with other business owners, how do you like to spend your time?

TS: I don’t have many hobbies. I like to do computer work. Travel, camp, and spend time helping others. I help at Amplify Church when I can and love doing it.
SMW: can you walk us through a typical day in your life?

TS: A day in my life is to get the kids to school, go back to sleep, wake up when I want and not worry about an alarm. I get up and start checking my back office to see how many people I was able to help the night before and how my team has been helping others. Run my errands that I have then come home make dinner for the kids. Then get back on and check leads and make calls. I have time blocks in my calendar for the times each part of my business and then spend the rest with my family. That is important to me. Then I take Sunday off and spend that time with the Lord and my family.


SMW: Terri, thank you for taking the time to let us get to know you.

TS: Thanks for highlighting me.


If you would like to support Terri in either of her businesses, you can follow the links above. If you would like to be featured or know someone that you think should be featured, feel free to contact me via the contact tab or message me through my fan page. Until next time…Single Mommy Warrior, out! 🙂

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