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I think that I come across at least one person each week who tells me about their “one days”.

You know the ones I’m talking about.

“One day, I’m going to start a blog”

“One day, I’m going to start vlogging”

“One day, I’m going to start my own business”

“One day, I’m going to (fill-in-the-blank)”

My response is almost always the same: just do it.

Start now.

Start where you are.

Start small and work your way up.

I think that far too many people have these goals they want to accomplish and dreams that they want to chase, but, for whatever reason they convince themselves that they have to wait.

That they need to wait until a certain set of circumstances is in play. Waiting for the sun, stars, and planets to all align.

But the thing is that the conditions may NEVER be perfect.

What then?

You convince yourself that it just wasn’t meant to be?

You tell yourself that you probably would have just wasted your time, money, energy, etc?

You repeat to yourself that it’s too late to try, so you should just forget about it?

You end up regretting not taking the shot?

In my mind, it is far better to just take the shot and hope that you make it than to sit around waiting for everything to be free and clear. Games are not won that way. Games are won when you work hard to master your skills so that you can force your way to your goals and make those shots that seem impossible.

Wayne Gretzky Quote

Just (fricking) do it, yall. I would start off with “the worst that could happen is…”, but I can almost guarantee that most of us have already drilled those into our heads already. Hence the lack of forward movement.

Life is too short to not try.

Topic for Discussion: What is the “one day” you have been holding on to? What is something you can do THIS WEEK to move forward on that goal? Comment below!


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