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It’s already March! Can you believe it? Personally, I think it’s crazy that the year is passing by so quickly. I have so many things that I want to accomplish this year and I feel like I am off to a slow start.

I think that one of the things that holds me back is that I have all of these great ideas, but I spend so much time planning and not enough time doing. One of the things that I have been planning for a long while (like 2 years, lol) is talking more about our homeschool journey.

We’ve been homeschooling unofficially for about 3 years. What that looked like was basically us lots of reading, some fun  activity books, lots of videos, and attending local homeschool activities like co-op and 4-H.

However, as of August 15th of this past year, Christian is OFFICIALLY a homeschooler. That is when he entered kindergarten and even though kindergarten isn’t mandatory here in Arkansas (you can waive it), I decided that I wanted to go ahead and make it official by submitting an intent to homeschool form.

Even though I feel like I did a lot of research prior to making it official, I find myself reading a lot more blog posts about homeschool NOW.

So, in the effort to share what I am learning, I thought I would do a weekly roundup of homeschool resources that I find interesting and/or helpful.

So let’s dive in shall we?

FTC Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a commission, at no additional cost to you.

First up is a cool, FREE homeschool planner by Jenny of The Relaxed Homeschool. You can use this to help you to get organized and stay on task. Click on the image below to go to Jenny’s site to download the printable.

Monique, of Living Life and Learning, wrote an awesome ebook that is perfect for moms like me. It’s called “Homeschool Planning for the Unorganized Mom”. Whether you are someone who is just starting to really consider homeschooling your child and aren’t sure how to start or you’ve been doing it for a while and still need help getting organized, this book can help. It also comes with a cool package of printables. Click the image below to check it out and grab a copy.

Sara of The Homeschool Post has an awesome post that is all about conducting mid-year reviews. I think that it’s really smart to take some time to actively assess your homeschool journey – to figure out what is going well and what could do with some tweaking. Sara has created a set of FREE printables that you can use to conduct your review. Click the image to check out the post and download the review worksheets.

Sara also runs a blog called Embracing Destiny and in one of her recent posts she talks about notebooking, which is essentially journaling, and how you can implement it in your child’s homeschool journey. I think it’s pretty cool. Click the image below to learn more. 

Christian is very high energy and requires a great deal of movement throughout the day. I find it helpful to implement fun little breaks throughout the day for him to get up and be active. These activity dice seem like a great tool for children like Christian. Click the image below to buy a set for your home.

Well, that’s it for this round. Hope you have found something here that will be helpful to you on your homeschool journey. Let me know in the comments below what you’ve discovered this week.

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