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Ok, so I am super duper late with this review. I anted to wait until we had done all three of the activities, but we actually still have one left. However, I don’t want to put it off any longer, because this is actually a really cool program to be part of.

Christian and I were sent a free activity box a hile ago so that e could try it out and review it on here. Although I did receive the product for free, I have not been compensated for this review. It is 100% my honest opinion.

So…a little bit about the company and their mission.


“Green Kid Crafts is a green company that provides creative activities to do with kids through . . .  eco-friendly , Art BoxesBirthday Activities, and Creativity Kits.  With Green Kid Crafts, both parents and kids can enjoy sustainable arts, crafts, and science activities that spark creativity, build confidence, and cultivate respect and love for the environment.

Green Kid Crafts launched in 2010 and is the original arts, crafts, and science project kids subscription service. We are proud to be a mom and woman owned business.  Like so many of the best children’s products, Green Kid Crafts is a mother’s invention, created by a working mom who wanted to make the most out of the limited time she had to spend with her kids. Like many other parents, she wanted to spend that time connecting with her kids, not scrambling for ideas and shopping for supplies. That’s where Green Kid Crafts comes in.

Kid tested and parent approved, every project you receive bears the stamp of approval from our panel of experts, who ensure that our products are engaging, creative, and fun and also align with our Happy & Healthy Child principles.”

So…how does it work? Once you sign up for the program, a new themed discovery box will arrive on your doorstep each month. Each box will contain 3-4 creativity kits for you and your kids to do. Each kit includes all of the eco-friendly supplies you will need for the project.


The first box that we received as the Around the World Discovery Box #15. It contained 3 creativity kits with activities from Guatemala, Australia, and China. See below for a video of the Discovery Box reveal. Bear with me — this is my first time making a video for Youtube. Eeeek!



These activities were pretty cool. I liked that each kit came with just about everything e needed to do the activity. The only outside tool I needed was a pair of scissors, but I figure every household would have one of those readily available.

The three activities included in our discovery box ere Guatemalan Worry Dolls, a Chinese Swallow Kite, and Australian Cave Art. As of right no e have done the first two activities, but I am saving the third for later.  Feel free to check out the results of our craftiness below. Christian really enjoyed both crafts. Granted, I did most of the work with putting them together ( I think that kids who are a little bit older would do great with putting them together) but Christian definitely had a fun time helping me and playing with them.

Overall, I think that this is a great program to try out. If you would like to sign up to receive a Discovery Box, you can do so by going to their website. If you would like to try it at a $10 discount, you can follow my link. You get to try it for $10 and I get to save $10 on our next discovery box. Win-win!


Christian showing off his discovery box


We got Discovery Box #15: Around the World


Activity #1: Guatemalan Worry Dolls


Activity #2: Chinese Swallow Kite



Christian’s Guatemalan Worry Dolls


The Dolls — Just hanging out


Christian playing with his Chinese Swallow Kite 🙂




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