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Need extra income? Maybe one of the following business ventures could help you. Seriously, check them out.

1. Ghostwriting — With this work from home job, you write articles for a company or website. You don’t get a byline credit, but you DO get paid. And you get experience. My advice, if you have a favorite website/blog, write to the person in charge of it, ask if they are in need of a ghostwriter, submit a writing sample (yeah, that’s a skill that you must have, so if you don’t have strong writing skills, it’s probably not for you) and hope for the best!

2. Affiliate — Again, this is all about websites or blogs that you love and frequent. If you find yourself constantly constantly talking about and referring people to the website, did you know you could be getting paid for it? Usually you get paid for each person that clicks on the referral link you provide. If the website sells things, you could be getting a cut of the profit. Hell yeah! Passive income!

3. Blogging/Vlogging — Feel like you have something interesting to say to the world? Have a sense of humor? Good at drawing? Love making videos? Consider yourself an expert on something (social media, parenting, video games, sports, cooking. whatever)? Why not create a blog or vlog (video blog)? And if you know what you are doing, you can get paid for it. It’s quite simple with applications like Adsense that you permit to post ads to your blog and then pay you per (legitimate) click.

4. Pure Romance — for women who enjoy meeting new people all the time, feel comfortable talking in front of crowds (even if you do get nervous sometimes),and who are interested in making a couple hundred dollars in a few hours. Or who just love the products and want a good discount, lol. Huge opportunities for steady income, including passive and residual income if you build a team. Getting into this industry was the best business decision I have ever made.

5. Beachbody — I know you have seen the commercials for the products. Insanity. P90X, Hip Hop Abs. Turbo Fire. Awesome workouts to help you shed pounds and get your sexy back. but did you know that you could be the one getting PAID to lose weight instead of paying them to lose weight? As a coach, you have the opportunity to not only lose weight and get healthy, but to generate passive and residual income while you’re doing it?

If you have interest in either of these business ventures, feel free to message me with any questions. I have experience with every one of them (except video blogging — yet). I honestly feel like the best way to make money in this age is to be your own boss. For some of us, we have to start off slow, by having a side job. One of these could be the PERFECT one for you. Don’t let fear of failure hold you back. There are so many legitimate and viable ways to make money. ON YOUR TERMS. You just have to know where to look.

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