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Ok…I am not the best housekeeper. Never have been, but now I’m even worse. I am the type of person that requires advance notice of visits because otherwise I may politely refuse to let you in my house. Not because I dislike you, but because I don’t want to be embarrassed when you have to clear a path through the living room to get to the couch where you will have to make room for yourself. Or explain the piles of laundry that needs to be done (though, to be fair, having a broken dryer is largely at fault for that). However, it has gotten to the point where I am annoyed at myself for the state of things. I have gotten so distracted by ta variety of things that my house is out of fricking control. So I need to do something about it.

I find that it’s a lot easier for me to hold myself accountable for things I say I will do when I share my goal with others. With that being said I am letting you, dear reader, know that today I am going to tackle the kitchen and living room. Today. Before I go to bed TONIGHT, both of these areas will be sparkling clean.

Tomorrow I will go in Christian’s playroom and straighten that up.

Monday: The laundry room/ guest bathroom

Tuesday: My bedroom

So, there we have it. I will post updates as I accomplish each one. Hopefully, writing this here will motivate me to actually do it. Feel free to comment with reminders!

Edit: Sunday August 11 at 10:21pm — FAIL! lol

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