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This post contains affiliate links. If you decide that this product is too amazing to pass up and you can no longer ignore that voice screaming “Shut up and take my money!”, I would receive a commission.

Hey y’all! I know that there are quite a few bloggers who check out my content every now and then. I have a question for you.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by blogging?

You see other people achieving crazy success (sometimes seemingly overnight), but your blog is still struggling.

You work so hard to get your blog where you want it to be, but you feel like you are spinning your wheels.

Your BIG goal is to monetize your blog enough that you make full-time income from it, but you are super self-conscious about coming off too salesy.

You’re not alone.

There have been times in my own blogging journey (more times than I care to admit) where I felt like I SUCKED. Like I was spending all of this time and energy on something that was just never going to take off. I’ve felt like I would never gain the following that I want that would enable me to help people the way that I want to.

I felt like giving up. Just going back to being a hobby blogger.

But I didn’t. And I’m glad I didn’t.

Over the 6 years that I have been blogging, it has become a tremendous part of my life. Not just my blog, but the blogging community at large.

Honestly, sometimes I am amazed all over again that I actually get to do this. The idea of making money blogging was not one that I even knew about when I started my blog back in 2010. It was just a form of expression for me. Actually, I called it my online diary.

Unless they are fictionalized (a la “The Princess Diaries”), no one writes a diary expecting to make money.

So thinking about how my “online diary” now enables me to  support my family from home is definitely a “pinch me” moment.

But blogging ain’t easy, yall.

The blogosphere (yep, that’s a thing, lol) changes so much and so quickly! That means that you have to constantly stay on top of learning what it takes to be a better blogger.

Not surprisingly, I’ve found that the times when my blog is really growing is when I am growing. When I’m developing new skills, improving on my weaknesses, making connections with like-minded (and successful) bloggers, and challenging myself to try new things.

That’s why every week you can find me studying from other bloggers who have achieved the success I want in the various aspects of blogging, whether it is content creation, building my audience, branding, SEO, social media, monetizing, or any of the many other things that we, as bloggers, need to be well-versed in.

But here’s the rub: learning can be expensive. 

At this point you might be nodding your head in agreement or shouting “OH MY GOSH! YES!”

We all know it.

After all, you know the saying: “You have to spend money to make money”.

And most of the really in-depth courses have a price tag attached.

But I’m cheap, yall.

Sometimes my inner Learning Junkie is screaming “SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY”, while my inner Wallet Guardian glares at me and says “Chill out…you’re doing too much”.

Maybe you have the same problem.

The answer: The Genius  Blogger’s Toolkit.

Genius Bloggers Toolkit Bundle Logo


It’s a digital package crammed full of brilliant tools to help you grow your blog, work smarter,  make more money.

But for way less than you’d normally spend!

The team at Ultimate Bundles has put together the best resources on ALL the topics that matter to bloggers, like mastering social media, monetization, creating and selling products, time management and productivity, nurturing an email list, and so much more.

Here’s what you get:

24 eBooks

33 eCourses & audio files

5 printable packs

In total, the toolkit includes over $3,500 of blogging tips, strategies, tutorials and amazingly practical information and ideas. Plus you get free bonus offers worth $1,321, with 15 tools and services to help you run your blog.








Not to mention, awesome bonuses from these companies…

But the truly amazing part? They’re selling it for a crazy 98% off of regular price!

I’ve paid full price for some of these products (Pinaffiliate Masterclass, The Knowtbook, and ConvertKit and they are AMAZING. Just Pinaffiliate Masterclass alone was $100 and it’s not even open for enrollment right now! So the fact that you ca get that PLUS all of these other resources from top bloggers for so little investment is crazy!

I know, it sounds too good to be true, but I promise it’s not. Ultimate Bundles has been around a long time and creating these packages is really their thing (they’ve sold over 180,000 of them on all sorts of topics), so you can trust this is the real deal.

Even better, they’re all about making sure you LOVE this toolkit.

Yep, there is a money-back guarantee. And not just a few days, either. They offer a full 30-day happiness guarantee, so there’s really no risk in trying it out.

The most important detail, though, is that this toolkit is available for seven days only. After Tuesday night, March 4th at 11:59pm Eastern Time, the sale ends and you’d have to buy all of these products individually.

I’d hate for you to miss out, so click HERE to learn more or buy the bundle.

Get what you need to work smarter instead of harder, grow your platform, and earn more. Learn more or get your bundle HERE.



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