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making time

If you’re like me, then you probably often find yourself with a long list of things that you need to do. Work to finish. Loved ones to attend to. Household chores to complete. And I bet you are pretty productive in those areas.

If you’re like me, you probably also have goals and dreams that you want to accomplish. Things that may not give you a true sense of urgency, but that are still important to you. Passion projects. Creative pursuits. Lifelong dreams.

These are the things that we often don’t get done.

It’s not because they are not important to us. They are. In fact, sometimes they are more important to us  than the things that we have to do on a daily basis. I mean, I’m pretty sure that most of us have goals that we care about more than doing the laundry. Yet, the laundry gets done, right?

So why is it that we often put off those big, important things that we WANT to do?

I think the problem is that we don’t make those things a priority. Perhaps we don’t see the immediate, essential benefit of doing it. Perhaps our dreams won’t put money in the bank. Or immediately improve our health. So we focus on the other things that will because they are the things we feel we NEED to spend time on.

However, if we sat down and really thought about WHY we need to accomplish our dreams as well, we would likely see that there are some major benefits to focusing on them just as much as we focus on other things.

Perhaps we will be happier. Or healthier. Or more financially stable. Even if it’s “in the long run”.

We need to figure out why those dreams and goals stuck with us. Some part of us holds on to them because deep down, we understand their importance. Part of us (though perhaps not a conscious part), realizes that they ARE worth our time and energy. We need to figure out WHY they are.

Then, once we really clamp down on the reason each of our dreams is important, we need to do one simple thing: MAKE TIME FOR IT.

You see, that seems to be the problem for many of us. We don’t really understand the difference between finding time for something and making time for something.

You FIND time for things that aren’t really all that important. It’s basically the same as saying “I can squeeze that in”. In other words, you aren’t really invested in whether or not it gets done, but you’ll try to see if you can work it into your busy schedule.

You MAKE time for things that you feel are important and critical. Things that have a high priority. We could be having the most busy day known to man, but if there is something that NEEDS to be done that we think is important, chances are we will move mountains to make sure it gets done.

So sit down and work on making that mindset shift where it concerns your dreams. Start viewing them as essential to your life and MAKE time to get them done.

Topic for discussion: What is a dream or goal that you want to work towards? How much time per day/week/month will you commit to making it happen?


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