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Hey everyone!

It’s been a while since I posted. Sorry! This past month and a half has been pretty busy since Christian and I started attending a four-day-a-week homeschool co-op. That was on top of activities like 4-H, Cub Scouts, Tae Kwon Do, and another weekly co-op. Plus playdates, household stuff (because there’s always that, right?), and running my freelance writing business. To be honest, I was feeling a bit burned out. My blog was the thing that got put to the wayside.

*one million sighs*

However, I recently decided that the multi-day co-op wasn’t going to work out for us, so we are trying to get back in the groove.

Anyways, I just HAD to share something with you guys today.

I know that a lot of you who read my blog are either WAHMs or would like to be. You might not even want to work from home full-time, but you DO want to figure out how you can earn additional income from home.

I want to help you do that!

That’s why I always keep an eye out for products, tools, and resources that I think can help people like me who want to earn more income for their families.

A new giveaway was announced today that I thought you should know about.

I follow a fellow freelance writer named Elna Cain who blogs over at TwinsMommy.com. She is hosting a pretty epic giveaway for mompreneurs.

Seriously, look at this…I’ll wait.

Epic Courses Giveaway for Mompreneurs

You guys…

I'm so excited

I admit…I have a problem.

I am a learning junkie.

However, I have learned that as long as you IMPLEMENT what you learn, being a junkie is ok.

So….here’s to the chance to learn (and get) some amazing things for FREE. (Man, I love that word…gives me tingles.)

Anyways, this giveaway features 11 awesome courses, products, and services for (aspiring) mompreneurs – especially those who blog. You should totally check it out and enter here.

You’re welcome.

Hey, do me a favor. Let me know that you are entering by clicking to tweet the message below.




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