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Soooo…Wednesday we will FINALLY get Christian in for his 4 month shots. He was supposed to have them on the first (when he actually turned 4 months), but I was just getting over the flu and didn’t want to go infecting an office full of kids (not to mention the bf had to work and I would have had to deal with shot time all alone). We rescheduled for this past Wednesday but then we got hit by snow and the doctor’s office canceled on us. Now we are trying AGAIN. Hopefully this time we make it in there. I’m so anxious for him to get his immunizations (especially since he has been sick TWICE and that absolutely broke my heart). What I’m not looking forward to are the actual shots. When he got his two month shots it was traumatizing. For both of us. For one, I am TERRIFIED of needles. Secondly, I hate seeing him in pain (even if I know it will help him in the long run). So having to hold him down while the nurse hurt him was heartbreaking. He cried so much and so hard. And she had to stick him three times. I would have passed out if I hadn’t been so worried about soothing him. *Sigh* Now we have to do it all over again. Poor Christian. 🙁

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