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Book Series Review (2)

If you know me even remotely well, you know that one of my all-time favorite ways to relax is to read a book. I am also really excited about anything that gets my son interested in reading (or listening to) stories. I know that getting your child to love reading isn’t always an easy task. Thankfully, we have come across several authors that have really gotten my son excited for our weekly trips to the library. We’ve also had the opportunity to receive books directly from the authors. One such author is Daniel Boris.

Daniel is the illustrator responsible for the comic strip Hoxwinder Hall, which is all about an alligator named Dozi and his human friend, a little boy named Byron Hoxwinder. The comic strip earned Daniel a top five spot in 2010’s America’s Great Cartoonist contest. Eventually, Daniel decided that the next step would be to tell the story of how Dozi and Byron met.


The first book, “Dozi the Alligator Finds a Family”, introduces us to Dozi, Florida alligator who is fascinated by the goings-on at a fair.  By the end of the story, he has befriended young Byron Hoxwinder and is hidden away in the back of the car, heading back to the family’s home.

I decided to ask Christian a couple of questions about the book, which is cleverly told through rhymes and has beautiful illustrations. .

Me: Who was your favorite character?

Christian: All of ‘em!

Me: What was your favorite part of the book?

Christian: When they were eating and Dozi had cheese all over his face. That was funny.


Me:  Do you think Dozi’s disguise will work?

Christian: Yep!

Hiding Dozi by Daniel Boris

Thankfully, we didn’t have to wait long to find out what happens since we had the second book on hand. In “Hiding Dozi”, you follow along as Byron tries to sneak Dozi into the house and up to his room without his parents or big brother finding out.

Yet again, I asked Christian a few questions about the story, starting with one that was posed in the book.

Me: Would you try hiding Dozi if it happened to you?

Christian: *nods head*

Me: Why would you want to hide him?

Christian: Cause Dozi is a good guy!

Me: How would you hide him?

Christian: He would come live with us.

Me: Would you tell me that he was here?

Christian: Yep!

Me: What do you think Dozi would like to do?

Christian: Play with me.

Me: What was your favorite part of this book?

Christian: When Byron’s big brother almost found Dozi and Dozi was freaking out!

Hiding Dozi by Daniel Boris

Me: What do you think is going to happen in the next book?

Christian: I think he’s going to stay.

Christian developed the habit of packing the books into the car whenever we were going somewhere so that he could look through it and tell me the story from the back seat. I take that as a good sign! A good book is worth reading over and over again.

With that being said, if you are looking for a book that might get your child excited about reading, I think it is safe to say that Christian (who is 5.5 years old), would give this series two thumbs up. If you want to get your hands on a copy (or two), you can do so on Amazon. If you would like updates about more stories from Daniel, you can follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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