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Here’s one thing about me: I disagree with the concept of being stuck in a job you hate. I mean, I understand that sometimes you have no choice. Bills must be paid, so you do what you have to do. But I think that there is something brave, admirable, and even sexy in being committed to something you are PASSIONATE about even when you know you could make more money doing something else. I believe that, eventually, passion and commitment will pay off.

In the meantime, your life has true meaning. Money doesn’t provide meaningfulness in and of itself. Nor does it provide happiness. But doing something that you love has the potential to. It may be hard as hell. Sometimes you may question your sanity and feel like you should just fall in with the status quo. But know that there are people out there who wish that they could take the leap that you did. Sometimes struggling only makes it that much better when you make it.

My advice: do what you love. Do it now. Even if you can’t do it full time, don’t put it off. Life is too short to put it off.

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If you could do anything for the rest of your life, what would it be?

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