Here’s one thing about me: I am always signing up for things online. Programs. Tools. Newsletters. Contests. Whenever I come across something that I feel could be beneficial for me at home or in business, I am quick to give up my email address. This has resulted in me ending up with a crapload of emails that I never even bother to open. Sure, there are some gems in there that I get excited to see pop up in my inbox, but for the most part i have subscriptions to a ton of things that I don’t really need. But opening each one and going through the unsibscribe process can be time-consuming.
Not anymore! gives you the opportunity to do a mass unsubscribe for all of the ones you no longer wish to receive. and for the ones you do want to continue receiving, but don’t want cluttering your inbox, you can add them to the Rollup, which is a daily digest email.
Once I had logged in and they compiled all of my 400+ subscriptions, it took me less than 20 minutes to go through and decide which ones I wanted to unsubcribe, which ones I wanted to appear in the daily digest email, and which ones I wanted to show up in my inbox like usual.
I don’t know about you, but this makes managing your email so much easier! Plus, it’s FREE. Score! Don’t believe me? Try it yourself by going to