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Confession:  I am guilty of allowing social media to take over my life.

I’ve thought of activities that I could do with Christian and immediately thought of the hashtag that I would use when I shared about it.

I’ve taken a picture of Christian doing something funny/cute/new and then asked him to do it again because the picture I snapped wasn’t “good enough” to share.

I’ve missed out on funny things Christian did because I was so busy glancing around for photo opportunities.

I’ve stayed indoors on beautiful days, looking at pictures online of how other people are enjoying the beautiful weather.

When did this happen?

When did living life virtually become so pervasive?

When did I start viewing the world through a lens instead of through my eyes?

When did I stop being present and enjoying the moment for exactly what it is?

Not every moment needs to be recorded, but they do need to be lived. Not every moment I record needs to be shared, but they should be remembered.

I will continue recording and sharing the beauty of life. I enjoy telling people about my little family and the things that we do. However, telling people about the things we do shouldn’t be the end goal. The end goal is actually living our lives and enjoying the fact that we still have lives to live.

To be present.

Because every passing moment is one that can never be retrieved.

So I choose to live life as though I don’t have an audience. And if I happen to have moments worth sharing – so be it.

Living Quote

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