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Today I was chatting with a friend about how much I have been slacking on so many important things. I haven’t been working my businesses the way that I should. I haven’t been blogging consistently. I haven’t been on top of things in school. I have also been feeling overwhelmed lately because of how much I am NOT getting done that I actually want and need to do. I mean, I do the essentials…but there is so much more that I want to accomplish. And to do so requires for me to get certain things done on a daily basis. That has not been the case. And I think it is because my home is cluttered.

When my house is nice and tidy and everything is in its place, it is just so much easier to focus and get things done. Maybe it is because I am very easily distracted. Having a ton of things laying around keeps me from being able to stay on task. When everything is in its place, I don’t have to worry about washing dishes or doing laundry or cleaning up one of Christian’s messes. I don’t have to worry about not being able to find things when I need it or any of the many other things that can prevent me from starting and finishing a task. I feel more focused and less overwhelmed. I can just sit down and give my attention to work or school or blogging. Whatever it is that I am needing to accomplish at the time.

So my goal over the next couple of days is to declutter my entire house. I admit to being a packrat/hoarder. I have things from college still laying around. It is time to purge my home of the things that I no longer need. I may have to be drastic and just throw a bunch of things away. But if that’s what it takes then so be it. I need to be able to focus. I have far too many goals to reach to be distracted.

How about you? Do you find that you are most productive when you are in a tidy, organized environment or do you have super-focus regardless of your surroundings? Tell me in the comments below.

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