Here is the interview with author Michelle Gordon that I have been promising you guys. Ok, so just a really quick intro. Michelle Gordon is the author of 7 published works. I came across one of her books on Goodreads. Someone had written a review on it that caught my eye. After reading the description of the book, I was really intrigued and decided that I wanted to read it. For some strange reason that I can’t explain, I decided that I would write the author and request a copy of the book. I felt soooo bold! I had NEVER done anything like that before!
I did NOT expect a response. I certainly didn’t expect the one that I got. Michelle responded to me quickly and said that she would love to send me a copy of the book even though she had already sent out all of the complimentary copies she had planned to give. She even agreed to send me a print version when I let on that I prefer the real thing to ebooks. She even signed it (Love and Light) and included a cool bookmark! Yay!
We started chatting back and forth on Goodreads and then through email. it was like having a penpal. What was even cooler is that we actually have a lot in common. We’re like soul sisters, lol! Thanks, internet!
Anyways, Michelle was awesome enough to let me do an interview for my blog. I must warn you, we both talk a lot, so the interview is quite long. But I never got bored for a single minute, so I hope you don’t either. Read on to get to know a bit (or a lot) about Michelle Gordon, her books, her writing tips, and some fun tidbits.
Oh….and here’s a picture of her smiling face if you need visuals to go with the names. You can pretend like it’s a movie. Inside your head.
Single Mommy Warrior: Hi Michelle, Thanks for agreeing to do this.
Michelle Gordon: Thank you for doing it! I havent even begun my marketing plan for my new book, everything helps.
Single Mommy Warrior: Awesome! So hopefully this can help a bit. For starters, could you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Michelle Gordon: Anything specific? I could fill a book.
Single Mommy Warrior: Sure. Things like where you grew up. What you were like as a child.
Michelle Gordon: Well, I was born and raised in South Wales. I spent the first ten years of my life living in a house at the top of a hill in the welsh valleys, and then the next nine years living five minutes from the sea. I’ve always been very creative (my whole family is) but reading was my absolute favourite thing to do. I spent every break-time at school reading books, and kept away from the other kids!I did start a magazine in primary school, which I had a little following for. It had articles and an agony aunt column and a serial story in it. I used to write it, lay it out, print it out at home and then photocopy the copies on my dad’s massive photocopier. I did several issues, then decided to tell the teachers and headmaster about it, and they promptly banned it, and forbade me from making and selling any more of them. (I was selling them for 10p a copy, hardly extortionate!)
Single Mommy Warrior: Haha…we really could be twins separated at birth. Except I didn’t do anything as impressive as writing a magazine. That is really impressive! But I did spend my lunch breaks in the library. Eventually they put me to work!
Michelle Gordon: Lol! That’s funny. In comprehensive school I spent most of my time in the library. I must admit, the banning of the magazine did stop me for a bit. I should have rebelled and done it anyway, but teachers were scary creatures in those days.
Single Mommy Warrior: Why did they ban it?!
Michelle Gordon: Because it was written in English, and I was in a Welsh school. Though I did introduce some Welsh articles into the ones I showed them.
Single Mommy Warrior That’s lame of them.
Michelle Gordon: Unfortunately, in Welsh schools, they’re militant about the use of English. You’re pretty much only allowed to speak it in English class.
Single Mommy Warrior: When in Rome, I suppose. But at least it didn’t stop you forever. What do you do when you arent writing? Your novels, I mean.
Michelle Gordon: Besides the normal every day stuff, I try to do creative things. I like taking photos, painting cards, making jewellery, my latest project is to make a pair of shoes!
Single Mommy Warrior: Wow, shoes?
Michelle Gordon: I love watching movies too, and spending time chatting with my friends. Yes, they’re only ballet flats
Single Mommy Warrior: I am so NOT crafty, it’s a bit pathetic.
Michelle Gordon: Everyone is creative. You just haven’t found your craft yet. Other than writing, of course.
Single Mommy Warrior: I could make some of those really fancy electric tape shoes. That is the extent of my skills. Lol
Michelle Gordon: Electric tape shoes?!
Single Mommy Warrior: I guess it’s actually duct tape. It’s horrible.
Michelle Gordon: Omg that’s hilarious!
Single Mommy Warrior: Haha! It is!
Michelle Gordon: Going back to your question – I usually only actually write for a couple of months out of the year. The rest of the time is spent publishing and marketing the books that I write, and helping other Indies to publish their work too, which is what I do for a living.
Single Mommy Warrior: Nice! What is the name of your publishing company?
Michelle Gordon: The Amethyst Angel
Single Mommy Warrior: That’s really cool of you to help others like that. Reaching back and pulling forward. So, it seems like you have been writing forever. Can you remember the first story you wrote?
Michelle Gordon: Well, I don’t know if it was the first ever story, but I have a school book from when I was 8 or 9, and we had been asked to write a story in English. Mine was called Mystic Island (I drew a map and everything!) and at the end of it, my teacher wrote that it was well-written, I had a good vocabulary, and that he was looking forward to reading my first novel.
Single Mommy Warrior: Awesome! Has he read any of your work?
Michelle Gordon: I thanked him in the acknowledgements of my first novel, and I sent him a link, I don’t know if he ever read it though.
Single Mommy Warrior: Awesome. At least you remembered him and gave him a shout out.
Michelle Gordon: I have had some great teachers, most of them were my English teachers. They encouraged me to write.
Single Mommy Warrior: I can relate to that. I had a teacher named Ms. Calhoun that really encouraged me to write. And a drama teacher named Ms. Poisson that encouraged my storytelling abilities on stage. Speaking of your first novel, can you tell us a bit about your published works.
Michelle Gordon: I have so far published 7 books, one small non-fiction, one novella, and five novels. Three of the novels are a series about Earth Angels, and the other two novels and novella are part of a collection I have called the Visionary Collection. They are all visionary fiction, and they cover metaphysical subjects like life after death, parallel universes, alternate realities and past lives.
Single Mommy Warrior: That’s a pretty unique genre, I think. What draws you to those themes?
Michelle Gordon: It’s a growing one. I sometimes call them Spiritual Fiction too. I have been writing about these themes ever since I was a teenager, and to be honest, I didn’t choose to. When I write, I channel the words, so I just have to go with whatever comes through.
Single Mommy Warrior: That’s cool. I was actually going to ask you about that. Whether you actively come up with ideas or just let them come to you. So sometimes you have no clue how the story will progress or end?
Michelle Gordon: The interesting thing is that I quite often don’t remember what I have written. I used to find poetry and stories in my handwriting that I had no recollection of writing! I still don’t retain the words, which makes the editing process a bit tricky sometimes. I never have any clue where the story is going. I have to wait and see just like the readers.
Single Mommy Warrior: I remember you being surprised when I mentioned a bit in The Elphite. You said something like “that happened?” It was sort of like the story wrote itself and you were just the vessel.
Michelle Gordon: To be honest, when you wrote to me and quoted parts of the book, I had to read them a couple of times before I realised they were my words!
Single Mommy Warrior: Haha…that is both weird and cool
Michelle Gordon: Although technically, I don’t think they are my words. They do just come through. I think I need to put ‘Spiritual Secretary’ on my business card
Single Mommy Warrior: I often lament that I can never reread a book for the first time (if that makes sense). Haha…you should!
Are you working on anything new right now?
Michelle Gordon: My eighth book will be out in May (hopefully!) It’s part of the Visionary Collection, and for the first time, I actually know where the words are being channelled from. It’s called ‘I’m Here’ and is the story of a girl who is haunted by a guy she used to go to school with.
Single Mommy Warrior: That sounds interesting! What’s different about this one that you know where it’s being channeled from?
Michelle Gordon: I was told by the spirit that I would write the book. He told me about it several times for a year before I started writing, and I have to admit I missed the messages. Finally he pretty much shouted at me to write it. But it took three attempts over more than a year to actually get it written.
Single Mommy Warrior: Oh, wow. So you seriously are a messenger.
Michelle Gordon: Well I’ve never properly admitted to channeling the books before. Not online anyway! Only to spiritual types in person
Single Mommy Warrior: So was The Elphite was channeled as well?
Michelle Gordon: Yes, it was. I’m not a trained medium. I don’t do readings, but I have prophetic dreams. I channel my books and I hear the occasional spirit.
Single Mommy Warrior:I have weird prophetic dreams too! But they never happen quite the way they do in the dreams. There’s always a twist.
Michelle Gordon: Well sometimes they’re metaphorical. I dread dreaming of tornadoes.
Single Mommy Warrior: So here comes The Elphite questions. Can you tell us about the plot for The Elphite?
Michelle Gordon: Essentially, it is about a girl who is living her life over and over. Like Groundhog Day, but it lasts a lifetime
Each time, she tries to change things, but there are things that happen regardless of what she does.I originally started writing it in 2010, and wrote the first 6,000 words. I didn’t write the other 50,000 until August 2012. So it probably would have been a totally different story if I had written it all in 2010.
Single Mommy Warrior: You said that you started it in NaNoWriMo? (Note: This is National Novel Writing Month for those not in the know. Happens every November and it’s pretty awesome! Check it out sometime)
Michelle Gordon: I got the idea while on a train home one day, when I had a conversation with a guy opposite, who was struggling to un-knot his headphones. I wrote the first 6,000 words, then nearly three years later, I wrote the 50,000 words during Camp Nano in August 2012.
Single Mommy Warrior: Was that experience the inspiration for the scene where Ellie and Luke meet on the train in one life?
Michelle Gordon: Yes it was. And the term Elphite came to me in that train journey too. I still have the original notes in a notebook somewhere.
Single Mommy Warrior: And that was actually the next question but you had already touched on it
Michelle Gordon: About the name?
Single Mommy Warrior: About the inspiration for it. Tell us about the main character, Ellie.
Michelle Gordon: Ellie is tough, or at least she pretends to be. She is mostly just tired of living her life over and over and not being able to change the ending. She can be quite sarcastic and is quite cynical at the beginning of the book.
Single Mommy Warrior: Do you feel as though there are bits of you in the character or is she wholly herself?
Michelle Gordon: There are definitely parts of myself in her. I’m quite sarcastic, especially when I get annoyed. I’m quite independent, and if I were in her position, I would be feeling pretty jaded at that point. The futility of trying to change things but not being able to would just get to me.
Single Mommy Warrior: I can definitely understand that. I hate feeling like I have no control over things.
Michelle Gordon: I also used to write a diary.
Single Mommy Warrior: So did I! Funny story…I used to LOVE this guy for maybe 8 years. And I would write the most mortifying things about him in my journal. Like “Nathan looked at me today and I felt like we connected!” Well, we ended up dating when I was 16 and he told me that they had found my diary, read it, and buried it so no one would find it. Some years before. Lol! I died 5 times when he told me that.
Michelle Gordon: He buried your diary?!
Single Mommy Warrior: Yeah, he and my cousin did. He was my cousin’s best friend. lol They buried it somewhere in my great-grandmother’s backyard. Do you believe in fate/destiny or do you feel like we have control over our outcomes.
Michelle Gordon: That’s hilarious. Do you know what’s a tiny bit freaky?
Single Mommy Warrior: Hilarious and mortifying. What is?
Michelle Gordon: My new book? The spirit? His name is Nathan. I believe that there is a higher power at work, I believe we all have destinies, but we also have free will. And if we choose a different path, we may be able to change our own destinies.
Single Mommy Warrior: Ooh, freaky. About Nathan.
Michelle Gordon: Yeah…
Single Mommy Warrior: That’s really similar to what I believe as well. I think that some things may be fixed, but that we have a lot of control over the paths we take to get to those pit stops or final destination and some things are totally fluid.
Michelle Gordon: Yes. There are many parallel universes, and we are experiencing the one we choose. We could choose to experience a different one if we wished to.
Single Mommy Warrior: Are you enjoying the one you are experiencing now?
Michelle Gordon: Yes I do, very much, even though every psychic I know keeps telling me to choose a different one, but that’s a whole different story!
Single Mommy Warrior: Teasers!!!
Michelle Gordon: Hehe. I didn’t say I would be writing a book about it though!
Single Mommy Warrior: Well, that’s even worse, lol. I think I can guess the answer to this one, but I’ll ask anyway. Did you know how The Elphite was going to end or were you just as surprised as I was about the twists and turns?
Michelle Gordon: I had no idea. After a few chapters, I got stuck, and didn’t have any idea if there would even be enough to write, to make it into a novel. So I walked away from my computer, and just as I reached the front door to go out, the idea for the first major twist just appeared in my mind. But after that, the rest of the twists were complete surprises.
Single Mommy Warrior: I know that I always have favorite scenes/quotes from the books that I read. What is your favorite scene from The Elphite?
Michelle Gordon: I like it when they meet again on the train, but Luke is different, and she pretends to be psychic, and tells him things about his life and he gets a bit freaked out.
Single Mommy Warrior: Haha. Playing mind games, ha. But ultimately so he isn’t freaked out. If the Elphite were turned into a movie, who would you love to see play the characters?
Michelle Gordon: This was tricky! I think Ellie would be played by Britt Roberston, I havent really seen her in anything, but I think she looks right, and for Luke, I was torn between the two Narnian kings! William Moseley and Ben Barnes. But I opted for William in the end.
Single Mommy Warrior: I love Britt robertson! She plays in this Disney Channel movie called Avalon High and The Secret Circle. Also love my Narnian kings.
Michelle Gordon: One of my readers told me I needed to read my own books more often, because they contained things I needed! I love Narnia.
Single Mommy Warrior: Yes! I have reread the series a lot. I actually read them all too my son when he was still too young to crawl away from me.
Michelle: I must admit, I hated The Secret Circle tv show. The books were my FAVE when a teenager. Read them a zillion times,
so the show was disappointing. But I like her; she’s what Ellie looks like in my head.
Single Mommy Warrior: I didn’t finish The Secret Circle. Still in my queue. I actually didn’t know it was a book.
Michelle Gordon: I have a pinterest board with pics that are Elphite inspired. [The Secret Circle] is a trilogy, and it’s awesome. Nothing like the tv show, though.
Single Mommy Warrior: What is your favorite quote from The Elphite?
Michelle Gordon:
Single Mommy Warrior: That picture actually touches on my next question. From reading The Elphite and talking to you, one theme in your life seems to be remaining positive and focusing on the present? How important are those things to you and how have practicing them influenced your life?
Michelle Gordon: Writing about something and doing it in your own life are two very different things. I do try my best to remain present, but I do very easily slip into the past or worry about the future, and I think that writing about characters who are trying to remain present is the universe’s way of reminding me to do it too.
Single Mommy Warrior: Ok, so here come the writing questions. What is your writing process when it comes to getting the story out and editing it?
Michelle Gordon: I use the NaNoWriMo method, of setting a deadline and also telling people when it will be published, which are both good motivating factors!
Single Mommy Warrior: Accountability, yes.
Michelle Gordon
I write all my books straight onto a laptop, usually my small netbook, so I can sit anywhere. It also keeps my writing separate from my work.I use Scrivener to write on, and have recently discovered Scapple which I will use for timelines from now on.
Single Mommy Warrior: I loved Scrivener and will look into Scapple.
Michelle Gordon: I usually listen to music; often the same song on repeat. But when I wrote The Elphite, I had the house to myself, so I wrote it in silence (you will just adore Scapple!!)
Single Mommy Warrior: Any songs in particular that are good for your writing mood?
Michelle Gordon: For The Awakening and parts of The Other Side, it was O’Children by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. I also listened to a lot of Ray LaMontagne while writing The Other Side. I like songs that are quite slow and melodic, nothing heavy. I sometimes listen to instrumental soundtracks too.
Single Mommy Warrior: Here’s a two-fer. what are the easiest and hardest things about writing?
Michelle Gordon: Easiest thing – is that I don’t plot or plan or research. So when I want to write, I just sit down and write, there’s not a whole lot of prep work. The hardest thing is that I never know what’s going to happen, or how long the book will be, or if it will even come out! So it’s unpredictable. Also, I often get in the way, when I start thinking about where it is going. When I get in the way, the words stop flowing.
Single Mommy Warrior: Are there any authors in particular that you look up to?
Michelle Gordon: I love JK Rowling, as you know, I also like Stephenie Meyer (yes I am a Twilight fan) and I also like Lindsey Kelk and Mimi Jean Pamfiloff. I like my fiction to be fairly easy to read, so that I can lose myself in another world. I’m not a fan of the classics, and I think my own writing reflects that. My books are easy to read, and not laden down with too much description or poetic prose. I get to the point and move things along.
Single Mommy Warrior: I’m a Twilight fan as well. *ehem* Team Jacob
Michelle Gordon: Hell fuckin yeh.
Single Mommy Warrior: HAHAAA!!!!! I assume we are on the same team?
Michelle Gordon: Absolutely. 100% Team Jacob.
Single Mommy Warrior: How has your life changed since becoming a published author?
Michelle Gordon: I now know far more about publishing than I ever wanted to. I now know people all over the world because they have read my books.
Single Mommy Warrior: Always a good thing. You now have a friend in the middle of Arkansas.
Michelle Gordon: Hehe. I do. And I am finally living my life’s purpose.
Single Mommy Warrior: And THAT is great!
Michelle Gordon: Yes it is. Wouldn’t change it for anything.
Single Mommy Warrior: What advice do you have for aspiring authors?
Michelle Gordon: Write what you are passionate about. Write what comes naturally. Don’t write what is currently trending. And write several books before beginning to publish. That way, if your first book is a massive success, you won’t have to worry about writer’s block on the next book because you will have already written it.
Single Mommy Warrior: Great advice! You’ve pretty much answered all of the other questions people suggested I ask, but here’s one: “Ask her about marketing. It’s easy to write a book. The hard part is marketing it. What successes and failures has she had with promoting?”
Michelle Gordon: I have still not quite figured out the marketing part. I’m learning every day. All I can suggest is get on all the social media platforms; link them together so you don’t have to spend your whole life on them. More importantly, connect with people in real life. I love going to fairs and selling my books to people in person, because then you make an impression on them. Weirdly, local media has been one of my biggest successes – a piece in the local paper spiked my sales up and made me a new friend. Also, I do notice a correlation between sales and my blog post views. So writing a blog is a good idea. But be authentic! Be yourself, and follow my other advice – write about what you are passionate about. I haven’t done a lot of paid advertising or promotion. I prefer word-of-mouth advertising, because I actually believe that people will find my books when they need to, and not because it’s everywhere they look.
Single Mommy Warrior: I found out about your book when someone else did a review of it on Goodreads. And luckily you were kind enough to send me a copy. And now, here we are promoting it some more. More great advice.
Michelle Gordon: And the person who reviewed it on Goodreads only read it because a lady (who I have never met, but was at the same event as me in London) told her about me.
Single Mommy Warrior: Ok, so the fun questions: I know you are a huge Harry Potter fan. What is your favorite book and which scene is your favorite?
Michelle Gordon: My favourite Harry Potter book is the final one, and my favourite scene was when Harry and Hermione visit Harry’s parents’ graves at Christmas. That always made me sad. I also liked the sign outside his old house, that appeared.
Single Mommy Warrior: Yeah, that was a nice scene. All of the supportive messages people left over the years really cheered him up and bolstered his spirits and resolve.
Michelle Gordon: Yes I liked that, I wish it had been in the movie.
Single Mommy Warrior: Yeah, there are a lot of scenes I wish had made it into the movies. Like the full scene in the department of mysteries during Order of the Phoenix. What is your earliest memory?
Michelle Gordon: It’s very fuzzy, and also a bit weird, but when I was really young (just checking with my mum old I was, I don’t know) I got very ill, very suddenly, and was taken into hospital, and I was in a room with just my dad, there were big windows all around, and I remember floating out of my body and watching my dad and myself.
Single Mommy Warrior: Oh wow. An out of body experience.
Michelle Gordon: Yeah. Because I think years later I recounted it, and they didn’t know how I knew, I was so little.
Single Mommy Warrior: That’s interesting.
Michelle Gordon: When I find out my age, I will let you know
Single Mommy Warrior: I’ve read about OBE’s before
Michelle Gordon: I used to travel astrally at night. And fly down the stairs. In the day I would run down them as fast as possible, wondering why I couldn’t fly.
Single Mommy Warrior: OMGGGGG!!!!! We are soooo twins! I swear I have astral travelled before! It was kinda scary. I flew as well. Through stars and all types of things. And then zoomed back in my body.
Michelle Gordon: Yeah not all of my astral travel was fun.
Single Mommy Warrior: If you could transform into any animal, what would it be?
Michelle Gordon: My totem animal is a fox, but if I could be any animal, it would be a cat. So I could eat and sleep all day
Single Mommy Warrior: Haha.
Michelle Gordon: Not that I’m lazy…
Single Mommy Warrior: I like foxes. They’re beautiful and smart. Or cunning.
Michelle Gordon: Well, I’d like to be. And crafty!
Single Mommy Warrior: Oh, I am lazy. I should be a sloth, lol.
Michelle Gordon: I was very much afraid of foxes when I was a child. They used to come into the garden and I would be so scared. Then, in 2007, I did a meditation where I met my totem animal, my spirit animal, and it was a fox. I was afraid of it at first, then I realised it was afraid of me, so we made friends and I’ve liked them ever since. Every time things are going well, I see live foxes.
Single Mommy Warrior: How does that work? Meeting your spirit animal?
Michelle Gordon: It was a visual meditation. We went into the woods and our spirit animals met us there.
Single Mommy Warrior: You have done some interesting things. That’s for sure. If I ever actually make it to England it’d be cool to meet. If you could have any super power, what would it be?
Michelle Gordon: Hmmm, superpower…It would be to make everyone I met feel loved, and for them to love themselves.
I have no doubt that would change the world.
Single Mommy Warrior: That’s a good one. Sort of like Jasper’s but longer-lasting.
Michelle Gordon: Yes š
Single Mommy Warrior: If you could spend a day with any public figure, past or present, who would it be?
Michelle Gordon: Hmmm. Louise Hay.
Single Mommy Warrior: That seems to fit your personality.
Michelle Gordon: Going back to the earliest memory OBE. I was 15 months old, and I was in an isolation room.
Single Mommy Warrior: Whaaaaat? WOW!!! I was not expecting you to say you were that young!
Michelle Gordon: I knew I was quite young, which is why it was weird I remembered it. But I remembered watching it, not experiencing it.
Single Mommy Warrior:Yes, that is very surreal. 15 months!!! What is your favorite quote?
Michelle Gordon: “If you don’t like where you are, then change it. You are not a tree.” – Jim Rohn
I like it because I used to jokingly say ‘I want to be a tree’. There was an advert on tv years ago, asking kids what they wanted to be
and one of them said “I want to be a tree”. It’s become a bit of a jokey thing to say.
Single Mommy Warrior: Well, I suppose trees are strong and rooted and bear fruit. But…meh. Haha.
Michelle Gordon: But they are stuck in one place.
Single Mommy Warrior: Exactly. Watching the whole world move around them.
Michelle Gordon: Unless they are an Ent.
Single Mommy Warrior: Ha! Well, yes. Then they are slow but awesome.
Michelle Gordon: Lol. And talk too much. Maybe I am an Ent.
Single Mommy Warrior: I talk TOOOOOO much. It takes people by surprise because I’m laidback and seem shy. But I will talk your ear off if you let me. Like now, lol! Finish this sentence: If I werent afraid, I would ______.
Michelle Gordon: I would … hmm. I would go to LA and find someone to make my books into movies and not take no for an answer.
Single Mommy Warrior: Good one! Speaking of LA, If your life were a reality show, what would it be called?
Michelle Gordon: Oh goodness, um… “Doing it Indie-Style”
Single Mommy Warrior: Haha! Catchy! Do you have any quirky habits or personality traits?
Michelle Gordon: I always wear my socks inside out, I love marzipan, and will eat it by the block.
Single Mommy Warrior: I sometimes wear my shirts inside out,. but it’s not on purpose. Ha. Why do you wear your socks inside out? You like the smooth side better?
Michelle Gordon: I dont like the seam of the socks against my toes. Also, Ive been a vegetarian all my life and feel physically sick if I try to eat meat. I don’t like fake meat either.
Single Mommy Warrior: Ew, fake meat?
Michelle Gordon: You know, veggie meat. Fake burgers and bacon, etc.
Single Mommy Warrior: Ohhhh… gotcha
Michelle Gordon: Oh and I love singing really loudly while driving. Helps me to concentrate.
Single Mommy Warrior: Lol…I love singing loud period. I am not very good at it, though,
Michelle Gordon: Me either, I’m flat as a pancake. I just love singing.
Single Mommy Warrior: lol! That reminds me of a hilarious scene from Stepbrothers
Michelle Gordon: I never saw that movie.
Single Mommy Warrior:
I generally avoid Will Ferrell movies. His face bothers me for some reason. I love riding with people who think it is perfectly normal to sing Broadway music very loudly while driving.
Michelle Gordon: That was funny! I don’t normally crash, though. Lol
Single Mommy Warrior: Ok, last question. Wooh! Is there anything you would like to say to your readers and fans?
Michelle Gordon: I think I would like to say thank you. To everyone who has read and reviewed my books, and especially to those who have written to me about them. When I receive their feedback and their thoughts, it actually keeps me writing. I have all my reviews stuck on the wall about my computer to remind me why it is I write. I don’t think my readers really understand how much their words mean to me. So thank you, to all of them.
Single Mommy Warrior: Ok, so, I think I’ve “talked your ear off” enough. Thanks again for doing this!
Ok, folks! That’s the end of the interview. At least the end of what I’m sharing with you guys. Haha! If you would like to check out Michelle’s books, you can find info on them on her Goodreads page. I will also be posting my review of her AMAZING book, The Elphite, very soon and linking it to this interview. She is about to rerelease her Visionary Collection with brand new (and really neat) covers and I’m going to help her reveal them. So keep an eye out for that. Like, maybe even tonight. š
In the meantime, here are the books from her Earth Angel series — all of which are on my must-read list. Right-click the image to be taken to the Goodreads page. She also writes a blog and has an official website that you guys can check out.

Velvet is an Old Soul, and the Head of the Earth Angel Training Academy on the Other Side. Her mission is to train and send Angels, Faeries, Merpeople and Starpeople to Earth to Awaken the humans.
The dramatic shift in consciousness on Earth means that the Golden Age is now a possibility. But it will only happen if the Twin Flames are reunited, and the Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow Children come to Earth, to spread their love, light and wisdom.
While dealing with all the many changes, Velvet struggles to see the bigger picture. When she is reunited with her Flame for the first time in many lifetimes, her determination and resolve to fulfil her mission falter.

Twenty-five years after leaving the Earth Angel Training Academy to be born on Earth as a human, Velvet (now known on Earth as Violet) is beginning to Awaken. But when she repeatedly ignores her dreams and intuition, she misses the opportunity to be with her Twin Flame, Laguz. Without the long-awaited reunion with her Twin Flame, can Violet possibly Awaken fully, and help to bring the world into the elusive Golden Age?
The Earth Angel Awakening is the sequel to the Earth Angel Training Academy, also available on Kindle.

Mikey is an ordinary boy who just happens to talk to the Faeries at the bottom of his garden. So when an Angel visits him in his dream and tells him he must return to the Earth Angel Training Academy in order to save the world, despite his fears, he understands and accepts the task.
Starlight is the Angel of Destiny. By carefully orchestrating events at the Academy and on Earth, she can make sure that everything works out the way that it should, even though it may not make sense to those around her.
Leon is a Faerie Seer. He arrives at the Academy as a trainee, but through his visions he realises that his role in the Awakening is far more important than he ever imagined.
The Other Side takes the first Earth Angel Training Academy story and helps you to see it from a completely different perspective

[…] out her authorĀ websiteĀ and herĀ blogĀ for more details. Also, feel free to check out my recent interview with Michelle. You know it was great when it lasted for 3 hours! She is a great person to get to […]
[…] based on a true story. It is her seventh Visionary Fiction novel, and as she mentions in a recent interview, her books are mostly channelled works. I’m Here is the first book she has channelled that […]