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I have a confession to make.

I’m a bit of a Scrooge.

At least when it comes to decorating for Christmas. Being honest, I haven’t put up a Christmas tree in probably 3 years.

Part of it is because I’ve never really viewed myself as being physically creative.

But this year, I wanted to do something different.

I wanted to make our home feel more festive.

I wanted to put up a tree and do a few Christmas crafts.

So when Oriental Trading Company approached me about trying out some of their products, I jumped at the chance.

The first thing I did was make this JOY frame to hang up on the wall.

Joy Wall Art created from products sold by Oriental Trading Company

It was pretty easy! I used their Snowy Splendor Craft Kit, some white wired ribbon, 3 basic picture frames I picked up at the dollar store, and some acrylic paint. I got the basic instructions from this Joy Frames Idea, but decided to make a few changes here and there to make it my own.

Make your own version of this Joy Wall Art by ordering from Oriental Trading Company

After hanging it up on the wall, it was easier to implement other bits and pieces to make it look nice. I even had the idea of adding a bit of red wire ribbon to it.

Joy Wall Art Oriental Trading Company 3

If you can’t tell by the grin on my son’s face – he is loving the decorations! And so do I. Thank you, Oriental Trading, for making it so easy to do a bit of crafting this holiday season!

Check out Oriental Trading’s Christmas Store and their Christmas crafts for more holiday fun. Order by midnight on December 20th for guaranteed shipping by Christmas.


~FTC Disclaimer: I received some items from Oriental Trading Company for review purposes. All opinions are my own.~

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