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So yesterday we had a big scare. I was getting ready to cook my part of dinner so I did what we have normally been able to do with Christian (when he isn’t in his boppy or swing or having tummy time) which was to prop him up on the couch in the corner. He abhors having to lie on his back and usually makes himself vomit by trying to sit up on his own, so I try to let him sit up as much as I can. Yesterday this went horribly wrong. Because Christian also has a habit of trying to take things too far. I guess he was extra determined to grab his toes because I happened to glance up and see him trying to lean forward. His dad, Tyrell, was sitting nearby so I told him to get Christian and rearrange him.

Next thing I knew Christian is rolling forwards, HEAD FIRST towards the floor. I yelled out “OH MY GOD!” and ran to catch him, but I was too far away. Tyrell did some kind of ninja move, leaping sideways and catching Christian by the head so he could guide him to the floor. The rocking chair (which Tyrell was sitting in) fell over (with him in it) and I heard an ominous crack. Forunately this crack was not a rib, leg, or even the chair. It was a toy. Even more fortunately, Christian was completely fine. He cried for maybe 10 seconds (he was probably more startled than anything). I can’t say the same for mommy. I was shaking and just sat there squeezing Christian, who began laughing and smiling. Thank God I happened to look up when I did. And thank God for Tyrell’s super awesome ninja moves. 🙂 I hope we never have to go through anything like that again. However, according to other moms, that’s probably an empty dream. *sigh* Being a parent is an experience.

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