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One of Christian’s current favorite books from his personal library is “Farmer Smart’s Fat Cat” by James Sage.

Book Description: Farmer Boast lives next door to Farmer Bluster, who lives next door to Farmer Smart. Each thinks his cornfield is the best -until the mice move in! Farmer Boast and Farmer Bluster make bumbling attempts to drive out the mice, but only Farmer Smart has the purr-fect solution. The hilarious dialogue and zany illustrations will keep kids laughing right up until the surprising conclusion!

Our Review: This book is a quick, fun read. The illustrations (by Russell Ayto) really did have Christian cracking up. He enjoyed pointing out all of the funny situations that Farmer Boast and Farmer Bluster got themselves into. It’s about a ten minute read, which is the perfect length of time for Christian’s 3.5 year old attention span. There isn’t a ton of text on each page. Just 3 or 4 sentences for each one. It’s the perfect pick for a quick read during storytime or before bed.


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