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So…day 1 of the Biannual Blog is officially over. Unfortunately, yesterday my computer decided that it hated me and refused to connect to the internet (something about the DNS server — Greek to me) which was VERY maddening. For 8 hours — zip nada zilch. And, if you know me, you know I was going absolutely BONKERS. I thought that maybe it was just the internet that was glitchy, so I packed Christian, my laptop, and myself into the van and we went to a local university where I go when I need a change of scenery when working. Still…nothing. But then it suddenly came back on last night. Despite the HUGE inconvenience, I was still able to get in about 6 hours of blogging activities.

I tell you, when it comes to my blog, I have never had this much fun or been this productive. Just to remind you guys of my goals:

1. Brainstorm blog post topics
2. Write 5 blogs posts and autoschedule them for next week
3. Create new Pinterest account(Unable to get username I wanted b/c it was too long, so never mind)
4. Create new Twitter account (Unable to get username I wanted b/c it was too long, so never mind)
5. Create or update Hootsuite account (Not sure if already have one)
6. Brainstorm giveaway idea
7. Metatag past posts
8. Add functional widgets (FB comments, share buttons, etc)
9. Change sidebar tabs
10. Possibly change entire theme
11. Work on outline for direct sales ebook
12. Remove current ad and update AdSense
13. Do 1st two WordPress I lessons
14. Do 1st 4 SEO lessons
15. Complete as many Blogathon challenges as possible.

I have since added a few more:
1. Connect with fellow Blogathon participants
2. Create editorial calendar for July
3. Look into Twitter Parties/TweetChat
4. Backup my blog
5. Add more social media share/follow buttons
6. Add Become a Mompreneur Tab
7. Add Mompreneur training Tab
8. Clear off workspace!!!
9. Clean up Pinterest boards

At this point, I want to get as much done as I can, but I am not stressing it. I have gotten more done since yesterday than I had accomplished in MONTHS. So I am happy. I am going to keep pushing forward from here on out and whatever I don’t finish this weekend, I will get finished as time goes on.

So now, let me tell you how my weekend has gone thus far.

As you can imagine, it has not been the easiest. First my internet went out for a long time. Then today Christian has been demanding my attention nonstop. He was very close to having a meltdown when I refused to sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider for the 27th time in a row. I told him to wait 10 minutes while I finished up a task, and then we hung out at my mom’s house for a couple of hours. Now (time: 12:18pm) we are back at home watching Star Wars. Well, he is watching and I am listening as I type.

I am going to take a break to get dinner started (not sure which crockpot recipe I will use) and then get back to work on the next challenge. 🙂


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