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Ok, so the time is currently 10:42 pm where I live. I am POOPED. I got very close to doing 24 hours hours with this event. I don’t know how I managed it, but I did. I feel so accomplished! If you know me, you know that I am a HUGE procrastinator. Well, admittedly, I did put off other tasks to do this. I’m pretty sure I have washed the same load of clothes 6 times. 😐 But I committed to this and stuck with it, so I am proud of myself . *pats self on back* *self smiles smugly and requests a high five* *gives self a high five* I am about to go to bed now and hopefully I will wake up with a few hours to spare in the morning. I don’t really know how much of MY actual list I got done this weekend. I got really caught up in the mini challenges. As of right now, I have completed 16. And once I post this bit that I am writing now, I will have 17. Over half of the challenges. That is HUGE for me. So…yeah, I am sooooo happy that I found out about this event and cannot wait for the next one. I think that next time I will volunteer to host a challenge. I am about to hit the sack. Hopefully I will get up and be able to squeeze in a few more tasks/challenge, but just in case I can’t yall can consider this to be my wrp up post. Well, goodnight everyone! Hope this weekend as been as exciting and productive for you as it has been for me. I sense great thing sin my blogging future. 🙂

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