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Required FTC Disclaimer: I am a brand ambassador for Better Beginnings. That means that as their partner, I am compensated for some of my posts. However, reading is a passion of mine and everything you read here are my genuine thoughts. 🙂

I am a reader.

A literature junkie.

A bibliophile.

Whatever you want to call it. I. Love. Books. I always have. I am not sure how young I was when I started reading. I just remember always reading. I would read in school. At home. On the bus. While walking (that takes skill, folks!). While eating (I actually got in trouble for this a lot). In the tub. In bed. I almost always have a book (or two) in my purse. Every room in my house has a bookshelf of some sort filled to overflowing with books. I have way too many –yet never enough.


I related so well to Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She was a book lover after my own heart. I also envied the Beast for his library.


In fact, there was a point in time when I wanted to be a librarian. I even worked in the school library in high school. I also thought that the coolest college job out there would be to work at Barnes & Noble. I can’t explain to you how much I LOVE bookstores and libraries. They are my special place. Running my hands along the bindings of books sends a thrill through me. Picking up books and reading the back covers is a joy. I love everything about books. The way they look, feel, and even the way a new book smells. I am obsessed.


When I found out that I was pregnant, one of the first things I bought was a set of books. I knew that I wanted my child to love reading just as much as I do. I read to him while I was still pregnant. I read to him as soon as he was born (he listened to the entire Chronicles of Narnia series during his first year). Now he loves reading and that makes me happy.

I think it is important that parents read to their children from the time they are infants — not just once they are school age. Not only does it help them to develop their vocabulary; it also boosts their imaginations and creativity.

I think this is a practice that Better Beginnings would completely agree with me on. After all, it is literally a way to provide your child with a better beginning to life. And that is what this organization is all about. If you need some information about language development and how you can provide your child with a great start in life, check out the Arkansas Better Beginnings’ Resource Library.

Here are some of my favorite quotes about the joys and importance of reading. Which one can you relate to the most? 


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