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Soooo guys…this past 4 months with my little one have been great. I have thoroughly enjoyed having unlimited time for us to get to know each other. What hasn’t been so fun is not having money to do what I want and struggling to get my bills paid. I’m used to having a sizable and (more importantly) stable cash flow and I am pretty lost without it. Actually, I hate it. I hate having to be dependent on someone else. I hate not being able to buy even the simplest of things or being unable to treat myself every once in a while. For a while now I’ve been looking for viable opportunities for me to work from home. I considered selling Mary Kay and I actually tried selling Avon. Fail! I just don’t have what it takes to sell beauty products, Mainly because I have no interest in them. Without passion for what you do, I think it’s hard to succeed. That’s why I’m sooo excited about a business opportunity that a friend/former housemate of mine shared with me while I was still in the early stages of my pregnancy.

My friend told me that she was a consultant for a company called Slumber Parties that was all about enhancing relationships, educating women, and (best of all) empowering women. I was immediately interested, but did not have the startup money. Since she introduced me to the company I have done a ton of research (visiting the main website as well as the sites of numerous consultants, checking out what consultants and clients alike had to say about the company, reviewing the numerous and exciting perks and incentives, etc.) Let me tell you: I LOVE what I have seen. I have read numerous testimonials about how women have been able to quit their jobs and make MORE money with Slumber Parties. They are able to do what I dream of doing: making enough money to live comfortably without having to work a 9 to 5. I’m excited about being my own boss and being able to do things like take care of my bills, pay off my debt, and do fun, exciting things with my new family.

Ok…I just wanted to share this with you guys. I’m really, really pumped about this. Wish me luck! Better yet, become a client. 😛

Live, Love, Laugh, and Love Some More (I know I will)


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