About Me

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This mommy blog is all about how I juggle being a single mom, attending grad school, and being a fulltime WAHM. I have spent the past 2.5 years in the network marketing industry and have worked exclusively from home for the past 1.5 years (with the exception of a pitiful and awful 3 day stint in telemarketing). My aim for this blog is to empower other single moms to believe that single parenting is not the end of the world; it’s the beginning of an amazing (though challenging) journey. I also seek to help those who want to be WAHMs to realize that dream through mompreneur training.

Ok, so a little bit about me. I am twentysomething. Ok, I’m 28. But I really wanted to say twentysomething, Just sounds cool. Plus, every time I think about the fact that I am 28 a small bit of me cries out in pain. I have an awesome son that will be 3 before I know it (What the heck?! I am going to need for time to not fly by quite so fast…thanks). I am currently working on my Master’s in Educational Psychology. To be able to stay at home I have a network marketing biz (check out my Mompreneur tab for more info) and am a professional ghostwriter. I come off as quiet and probably shy when people first meet me. It’s all an illusion! When you get to know me you will realize that I am quirky, more than a little bit awkward, love laughing and making people laugh, and have a sometimes morbid sense of humor.

Anyways, what else is there to know about me? I’m scared of….everything. The dark, trees, owls, bodies of water, scary movies, dolphins. I have a weird imagination and am a vivid dreamer. Not a good combo. I am a hypochondriac. WebMD is the worst invention. Ever. Aside from buttons on kids’ clothes. I firmly believe that all children’s clothes should snap or zip. Oh, and as you can see, I am a bit random and prone to tangential conversations. Sometimes conversations with myself. I’m sure I make someone mentally wish I would shut up at least once a week. I used to wonder what it felt like to break a bone. I have found out twice. Once while running from a nonexistent drive-by and another time while working as a nanny. I do not wish to experience that again. Did I mention that I am clumsy? Tripping over my own pants leg, falling up stairs (so easy to do!), and running into doorways (who put that there?) are an art form I have perfected. Along with reading while walking (which, ironically enough, I can do WITHOUT falling or running into things).

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read. I have too many books and yet not nearly enough. I want a library like the one on Beauty and the Beast. Complete with the ladders. And a manservant to climb the ladder to retrieve said books because I am afraid of heights (when there is a possibility of falling, at least).

Anyways, don’t want to carry on to much. This is my blog. I hope you enjoy! Make sure to subscribe to receive updates on new posts and follow me on my social media pages. If there any fellow bloggers reading this, I do accept guest blog posts that are in keeping with my blog’s theme. Feel free to submit them!

Stinkbutt and Mommy

Stinkbutt and Mommy

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