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FTC Disclaimer: As an ambassador for Central Arkansas McDonald’s, I receive compensation for talking to others about how McDonald’s is part of our family’s life. 

I’m sure you have heard the phrase “the early bird gets the worm”. It is a popular way of saying that people who get somewhere first have the best chances of getting what they need. However, my personal interpretation is that people who wake up early in the morning (like the birds that twitter outside my window every morning before the sun has even made an appearance) experience a variety of awesome benefits. Here are 5 reasons why you should be an early bird.

early bird

FTC Disclaimer: This post has been sponsored by Central Arkansas McDonald’s, but all thoughts are purely my own.

5 Reasons You Should Be An Early Bird

You Have “Me Time”

I don’t know about everyone else, but finding time to myself when my son is awake is no easy feat. And the time that I do get to myself during the day is typically spent attending to my to-do list. That’s why I started waking up early in the morning, a few hours before my son begins to stir. When I wake up at 5 or 6 in the morning, I have time to take a bath without my son knocking on the door. I have time to do a bit of yoga or just enjoy the quiet. I have time to read for pleasure or watch an episode of my latest favorite show on Netflix. I NEED that time to myself.

You’ll Be More Productive

Another great reason to get your day started early in the morning is that it gives you more time to plan for the day and get started on your to-list. I have definitely found that I get more done when I am able to work without the interruptions or distractions that pop up as the day progresses. In fact, I feel like some days I get more done in those 3-4 early-morning hours than I do all day. If you already are a productive person, imagine how much more you can get done with this extra time. Waking up just 2 hours early each day gives you 728 extra hours over the course of a year. That’s a lot of time!

Your Morning Routine Sets the Tone for the Day

When you wake up early in the morning with a clear plan for the day and you power through it despite the many excuses we have for just staying in bed a little bit longer (trust me, I know the feeling), it can really set the tone for the day. I find that when I get up in the morning and jump right into my routine, the day is more productive and less stressful than those days when I give in to hitting the snooze button and then wake up later, rushing to get things done.

You Have a Better Rhythm

Sleep studies indicate that people who wake up earlier as well as go to bed earlier not only get better rest, but improve their circadian rhythm. Your circadian rhythm helps to regulate a wide variety of functions outside of sleep. For example, it regulates your feeding pattern, your hormone production, your brain wave activity, how alert you are throughout the day, your body temperature, and your ability to fight off stress and inflammation. By making an attempt to adjust your body to waking up early each morning, you could be helping your body on a grander scale.

You Have Time to Eat Breakfast

Another big benefit of waking up early is that it gives you time to eat breakfast and actually enjoy it. If you are like me, you may not have much of an appetite for breakfast. I usually don’t get hungry until a couple of hours later. When I wake up a few hours early, I am usually ready to eat breakfast by the time my son wakes up. If you don’t really like to cook breakfast, you can always stop by McDonald’s and take advantage of their full breakfast menu.



With options like pancakes, eggs, sausage, fruit and yogurt parfaits, oatmeal, biscuits, and more (not to mention coffee and orange juice), you are sure to find something that satisfies your taste buds and fills your belly up so that you can face the rest of the day. Studies suggest that eating breakfast every day can improve your focus and stamina so that you can power through the day, so waking up early enough to eat breakfast is a great habit to develop.

These are just a few benefits of getting an early start to your day? Are you an early bird? If so, how has it impacted your routine? If not, do you feel like you should give it a shot?

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