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It’s easy to think of adventure as something out of reach… too self-indulgent, too expensive, too time-consuming. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

This past year I’ve embraced the idea of “micro-adventures” as a way to add more excitement and inspiration to my daily life. A micro-adventure can be almost anything. As long as it’s easy, exciting (whatever that means for you), and breaks up your routine.


I’ve put together a list of my favorite FREE micro-adventures to get you started. This is a great way to live your story instead of just letting the days pass you by.


17 Free Micro-Adventures



1. Go Hiking


2. Go on a Photo Walk


3. Visit a Free Museum


4. Explore Your Hometown


5. Complete an Un-Finished Project


6. Visit the Library




7. Go Stargazing


8. Make an Adventure Generator


9. Build a Fort


10. Color with Crayons


11. Join an IG Challenge (like #RandomLoveLetters)


12. Write a Letter


13. Have a Popcorn & Movie Night (a la Gilmore Girls)


14. Do an Art Assignment (like this one)


15. Have a Picnic


16. Try a New Recipe*


17. Read a Book


*Sure, a new recipe may require some grocery shopping, but you’ve got to eat anyway so I’m still counting it as free. 😉




Now go forth and venture!

Need a tool to schedule more micro-adventures into your life? Check out my printable Venture Planner. (You can even download a free sample page.)





 About the Author

Sarah Shotts is a storyteller and adventure guide. She blogs at Love Letter to Adventure and shares tools to help women embrace the adventure all around them. When she’s not blogging she enjoys exploring her home state of Arkansas and dreaming up grand adventures. You can keep in touch via FacebookTwitter, or Instagram.

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