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I have a stock of arts and crafts materials stored throughout the house (as I am sure most parents do). One thing that I have a TON of are popsicle sticks. I buy them at Dollar Tree (love that place!) and they come 100 to a pack. I prefer the colored ones, but also have the plain ones.

dollar tree

Here are a few of the things that Christian and I have done with these popsicle sticks so far.


1. Identifying colors

This one is pretty simple. We do it in three different ways. One way is for me to hold up a popsicle stick and ask him “what color is it?”. The second way is for him to pick out popsicles sticks at random and tell me what color each one is. The last way is for me to ask him to pick out a certain color. It has been really helpful in helping him to learn his colors. He still gets red and orange confused sometimes, though.


2.Sorting/Matching Colors

To take the colors a bit further, we also sort/match them. I start off by picking out one of each color and having him identify them. Then I put them on the table in different areas. Then I will either hand him a popsicle stick or he will choose one at random. He says what color it is and then puts it with


3.  Popsicle Stick Shapes

We also work on making shapes. This is one that mommy definitely has to help him with. He can identify most shapes but is still mastering making them.


4. Popsicle stick magnets

My son likes sticking things on the refrigerator and the side of the oven. So another easy thing is to get some magnetic tape (I get mine from Dollar General) and fix a small piece of magnet to the backs of popsicle sticks. Then your child can let their imagination run wild.


5.Color Patterns

Another color activity we have started doing is working with patterns. I will lay out a pattern of colors, identifying each one as we go, then after we have repeated the pattern a few times I ask him which one comes next. This one will probably take some time for him to master, but he’ll get the hang of it. 🙂


6. Popsicle Stick Puppets

This one requires more of our arts & crafts supplies. I lay out things like googly eyes, markers, glitter glue, buttons, yarn, etc. and we just make some really fun puppets. I will add in pictures of our work once I get a new camera, but here is one that is pretty representative of my super awesome skills. Lol!



7. Popsicle Stick Art

We also just form random things. I like making huge people with block heads.

8.  Popsicle Stick Puzzle

Another cool thing to do is make puzzles. I just lay some popsicle sticks side by side and draw a picture on the top and then mix them all up. Then Christian and I work on putting the picture back together. Now,  I am no artist so I will share with you a much cooler picture until I can get one of my own.


(Source: http://www.repeatcrafterme.com/2012_01_01_archive.html)

9. Counting

Of course, this is another simple activity. Sometimes we just count them. Sometimes we count how many of each color there are.

10. Pick Up Sticks

This one is apparently Christian’s favorite activity. It consists of grabbing two handfuls of popsicles sticks, throwing them inthe air, and yelling “Yayyyyy!” as they rain down all over the place. Then I say “Uh huh. Yay. Now pick them up.” Lol


What are some of your favorite popsicle stick activities to play with your toddler?

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